Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

Maintaining, modernising and extending operating lifetime of existing nuclear power plants

Framatome offers innovative solutions and services to maintain and modernise existing nuclear power plants, and extend the lifetime of existing installations, while guaranteeing the safety, performance and availability of operations. Framatome has 60 years’ international experience of all types of technologies and maintenance of more than 300 reactors worldwide. Its teams have expertise and knowledge in maintenance, component replacement, inspections and checks, refuelling operations, and optimised management of reactor shutdowns for maintenance. More specifically, its activities cover supply of fuel assemblies and related services, management of equipment and spare parts, modernisation of I&C, and chemistry and radiochemistry services.

Management of large projects

Framatome’s participation in the construction of new-build nuclear reactor projects spans across design, through procurement and supply, and on to commissioning. With recognised expertise in the management of complex projects, its teams are tasked with delivering to the most stringent security standards and fulfil the requirements of its customers. In the case of new-build construction projects, the company proposes solutions for the nuclear island scope. Framatome is actively involved with EDF in the construction, commissioning and maintenance of 5 EPR reactors worldwide: in France (Flamanville 3), in China (Taishan 1&2), and in the United Kingdom (Hinkley Point C, reactor 1 and 2).

In 2017, EDF and Framatome created Edvance, a joint engineering subsidiary for the construction of new nuclear power plants in France and in the world. Key achievements by Framatome in 2021

The year 2021 was again marked by the health crisis, but it did not significantly impact its business and expected performance.

Framatome expanded its activities in control systems with the acquisition of the Civil Nuclear Instrumentation and Control (I&C) business of Rolls-Royce (1).

Framatome has reinforced the security of its supply by acquiring the French company Valinox Nucléaire SAS, a French specialist in the production of seamless tubes for nuclear use (2).

Framatome expanded its engineering activities and strengthened its global presence by acquiring the Nuclear Division of RCM Technologies Canada Corp, a Canadian specialist in CANDU technology (3), and Virtual PiE Limited (UK), a leader in fluid engineering products and services for the chemical and nuclear power industries (4).

Framatome has signed a contract with Dominion Energy to support the long-term operation of the US energy company’s nuclear power plants. The contract covers unit shutdowns and maintenance operations for the plants until 2026 (5).

Steam Generating Team (SGT), a partnership between Framatome and United Engineers & Constructors, Inc. (United), announced the signature of a contract for approximately CAD 350 million (EUR 236 million) with Bruce Power to replace the steam generators in Units 3 and 4 of the Bruce Nuclear Generating Station in Ontario, Canada (6).

Framatome delivered the industry’s first 100% Enhanced Accident Tolerant Fuel (EATF) nuclear fuel assembly (7) to the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant in Maryland, operated by Exelon Generation.

In connection with the France Relance plan initiated in 2021 by the French government, several innovative projects proposed by Framatome have also been approved and will receive funding and support. Nuclear facilities and safety
Basic nuclear facilities (BNF)

The two basic nuclear facilities (BNF) on the Framatome site in Romans (BNF 63 and BNF 98) were combined by Decree no. 2021-1782 of 23 December 2021. The facility grouping these two basic nuclear facilities is called BNF 63-U: Nuclear fuel manufacturing plant.

2021 results on nuclear safety (8)

As in 2020, no major safety or radiation protection event was recorded at Framatome’s Romans-sur-Isère site. In 2021, Framatome’s site declared 17 (9) significant safety events (SSE) classified at INES 0, 6 SSE at INES 1 and none at INES 2. No event declared in respect of the year 2021 had any impact on workers, the general public or the environment. The 2021 detailed results on nuclear safety are published in the annual report drawn up by the General Inspector for Nuclear Safety and in the TSN report of the Framatome site of Romans-sur-Isère (10).

Dedicated assets

Dedicated assets have been constituted to cover long-term nuclear commitments (see section 6.1 “Consolidated financial statements at 31 December 2021”, note 17.1 “Other provisions for decommissioning”). Thermal generation in mainland France

Thermal generation assets have a number of advantages: they are very responsive and flexible (quick to start up and power can be modulated), and they have relatively low investment costs and short construction times.

Thermal generation assets are one of the key components of the energy mix to ensure the balance of generations and consumption in real time by accommodating fluctuations in electricity consumption and renewable energy generation (sun and wind power in particular) and thereby contributing to maintaining suitable voltage and frequency levels across the grid. This role will increase with the massive inclusion of intermittent generation resources in French and EU electricity systems.

(1) See Framatome’s press release of 8 November 2021 “Framatome completes purchase of Rolls Royce Civil Nuclear Instrumentation and Control”.

(2) See Framatome’s press release of 7 September 2021 “Framatome acquires Valinox, a tube specialist for nuclear reactor steam generators”.

(3) See Framatome’s press release of 3 August 2021 “Framatome acquires Nuclear Power Systems Division of RCM Technologies Canada Corp.”.

(4) See Framatome press release of 3 September 2021 “Framatome completes acquisition of BHR Group in the United Kingdom”.

(5) See Framatome press release of 6 April 2021 “Framatome signs multimillion-dollar contract to support long-term operation of the Dominion Energy nuclear fleet”.

(6) See Framatome’s press release of 9 July 2021 “The Steam Generating Team joint venture awarded steam generator replacement contract for Units 3 and 4 at Bruce Nuclear Generating Station.”

(7) See Framatome’s press release of 2 November 2021 “Framatome delivers industry’s first complete accident tolerant fuel assembly.”

(8) The objective of Framatome is to detect, report and treat in the best possible manner all deviations and anomalies occurring in connection with its activities. The purpose of this indicator is to enhance the sharing of experience, broaden analysis and the importance given to weak signals. Events declared at level 0 on the INES scale are safety deviations, considered as “weak signals”. It is essential to take them into account as part of a continuous improvement process for a better management of risk prevention in the conduct of activities. In order to facilitate the reporting on “weak signals” and the sharing of experience, Framatome detects and records any deviation. The analysis of the latter, by the Filière Indépendante de Sûreté (independent safety reviewer), assesses the level of reporting to the safety authority.

(9) SSEs exclusively on BNF sites.

(10) Available on the  www.framatome.com website