Universal Registration Document 2021

5. The group financial performance and outlook Framatome

Framatome’s sales amounted to €3,362 million in 2021, an organic increase of 1.9% over 2020. A significant portion of sales are made within the Group. This growth is explained by more sustained levels of business with the Group. United Kingdom

Sales by the United Kingdom segment amounted to €10,114 million in 2021, an organic increase of €762 million (+8.4%) from 2020.

This rise is explained by higher electricity prices and the increase in volumes sold, reflecting the takeover of Utility Point and Green Network Energy customers (under the supplier of last resort mechanism). Cold weather in the first quarter and the 5% rebound in consumption by business customers also contributed to sales growth. These favourable developments were partly counterbalanced by a decrease in nuclear power output (-4TWh) and by lower realised sales prices for nuclear power due to purchases of energy at high prices. Italy

The Italy segment’s sales totalled €11,212 million in 2021, showing organic growth of €5,258 million (+88.1%) compared to 2020.

In the gas activities, sales were up as a result of rising prices on all markets (although the effect on the margin was limited). The recovery in sales volumes to business customers following the Covid-19 measures of 2020 and the colder winter than in 2020 also contributed to the increase in volumes.

In the electricity activities, despite lower sales volumes to industrial customers, sales also rose significantly due to the rise in prices. Other international

The Other international segment principally covers operations in Belgium, the United States, Brazil and Asia (China, Vietnam and Laos). Sales by this segment in 2021 amounted to €3,353 million, an organic increase of €681 million (+28.1%) from 2020.

In Belgium (1), sales registered organic growth of €474 million (+27.3%) compared to 2020, benefiting from higher electricity and gas prices, an increase in volumes sold to business, industrial and residential customers, and weather effects. The residential customer market is still intensely competitive. Annual indexed adjustments of contracts (particularly for residential customers), which are applied throughout the year, do not yet fully reflect the recent rise in electricity and gas prices on the wholesale markets. Greater use was made of the thermal generation fleet, leading to an increase in system services. Wind power development continued, reaching net installed capacity of 591MWh (2) at end-2021.

In Brazil, there was an organic increase of €188 million (+39.7%) in sales, principally due to higher volumes sold on the market and the +28% adjustment in November 2020 of the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) price attached to EDF’s Norte Fluminense power plant, in line with the change in the ICMS tax (3) (which had no impact on EBITDA). The foreign exchange effect was unfavourable in 2021 (the Brazilian real declined against the euro).

In Vietnam, sales showed an organic increase of €18 million (+10%), in keeping with the rise in gas prices (on a pass-through basis, so there is no impact on EBITDA). Other activities

Other activities comprise, among other entities, EDF Trading and the gas activities.

Sales by this segment amounted to €3,905 million in 2021, an organic increase of €1,791 million (+84.2%) from 2020.

  • sales by the gas activities amounted to €1,860 million, an organic increase of €1,131 million compared to 2020, essentially explained by the favourable effect of the increase in prices on the wholesale gas market (+€772 million);
  • EDF Trading’s sales totalled €1,518 million, an organic increase of 67.7% compared to Trading activities performed very well in Europe and the United States, particularly as a result of very high volatility on the commodity markets, especially during the weather event in Texas during the first quarter. EBITDA

The Group’s consolidated EBITDA for 2021 amounted to €18,005 million, an organic increase of 11.3% from 2020.

This trend was also driven by the extremely positive performance in the trading business, by the significant improvements in Italy and in the French regulated activities, and by the reduction in production tax. However, outages and extended outages of nuclear reactors at the end of the year in France required the purchase of volumes on the market against a backdrop of a sharp rise in electricity prices. This had a strongly unfavourable impact. The United Kingdom was negatively impacted by the decrease in nuclear output and the sharp decline in realised nuclear prices stemming from substantial buybacks at high market prices.

(in millions of euros) 2021 2020 Variation Variation (%) Organic variation (%)
Sales Sales


Sales202069,031 SalesVariation15,430 SalesVariation (%)22.4 SalesOrganic variation (%)21.6
Fuel and energy purchases

Fuel and energy purchases



Fuel and energy purchases


Fuel and energy purchases


Fuel and energy purchases

Variation (%)


Fuel and energy purchases

Organic variation (%)


Other external expenses

Other external expenses



Other external expenses



Other external expenses



Other external expenses

Variation (%)


Other external expenses

Organic variation (%)


Personnel expenses

Personnel expenses



Personnel expenses


Personnel expenses



Personnel expenses

Variation (%)


Personnel expenses

Organic variation (%)


Taxes other than income taxes

Taxes other than income taxes



Taxes other than income taxes



Taxes other than income taxes



Taxes other than income taxes

Variation (%)


Taxes other than income taxes

Organic variation (%)


Other operating income and expenses

Other operating income and expenses



Other operating income and expenses



Other operating income and expenses



Other operating income and expenses

Variation (%)(26.3)

Other operating income and expenses

Organic variation (%)(26.1)


EBITDA202016,174 EBITDAVariation1,831 EBITDAVariation (%)11.3 EBITDAOrganic variation (%)11.3 Change in Group EBITDA and analysis
  • The Group’s fuel and energy purchases amounted to €44,299 million in 2021, an organic increase of €11,435 million (+35.3%) compared to 2020:
    • in the France – Generation and supply segment, fuel and energy purchases showed an organic increase of €2,486 million (+18.8%) from 2020, principally due to a large volume of energy purchases at high prices;
    • in the United Kingdom, the organic increase of €1,824 million (+30.9%) in fuel and energy purchases principally relates to the unfavourable impact of rising market prices on energy purchases. Also, gas and electricity sales volumes were higher, notably after EDF took over insolvent suppliers’ customer portfolios in application of the supplier of last resort mechanism, which made additional energy purchases necessary;
    • in Italy, the organic increase of €4,882 million (+111.8%) in fuel and energy purchases essentially reflects higher wholesale market prices and volumes for gas.

(1) Belgium comprises Luminus and EDF Belgium.

(2) Net capacity of Luminus. Gross installed wind capacity amounted to 658MW (588MW at 31 December 2020).

(3) Tax on Circulation of Merchandise and Services in Brazil.