Universal Registration Document 2021

5. The group financial performance and outlook Rainfall in France

Rainfall in Europe was close to normal overall in 2021, although there were disparities between the South of Europe (Spain, south- France, Italy) which was drier than normal, and the East of Europe which registered surplus rainfall.

In France, the aggregate annual water flow coefficient was slightly below normal, with contrasting situations between the Northern half of the country (above normal) and the Southern half (below normal). There were pronounced differences between  individual months, particularly in the first quarter. In April, the water flow coefficient was the lowest in 50 years under the combined effect of a shortage of rain and the absence of thawing snow. The summer was marked by abundant rainfall in July and the absence of any heatwave. In the autumn, long dry spells resulted in decreasing water flow coefficients until the rain returned at the end of the year.

Hydrological conditions in France *

This graph shows the hydrological conditions in France

- Normal hydo conditions level amount to 100% 


January: approximately 105%.

March: approximately 75%

May: approximately 95%.

July: approximately 115%

September: approximately 85%

November: approximately 58%

December: approximately 105%


January: approximately 88%.

March: approximately 115%

May: approximately 110%

July: approximately 105%

September: approximately 85%

November: approximately 79%

December: approximately 100%.

* Weekly monitoring of French reservoir levels by the EDF group’s statistical observatory (Miréor project) as far as the coast