Universal Registration Document 2021

4. Corporate governance

Jean-Paul RIGNAC, 59 years old
Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

1 November 2007

Last re-elected

23 November 2019

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Audit Committee

Shares held




Holder of a doctorate in Energy from the Institut national polytechnique in Toulouse, Jean-Paul Rignac joined EDF in 1991. He served as Secretary of EDF Research & Development’s Joint Generation Committee for five years. He is a research engineer at EDF’s Research & Development Division (EDF Lab Les Renardières Centre), and currently works on energy efficiency in the heating/air-conditioning/air quality of industrial buildings and clean rooms. Jean-Paul Rignac is sponsored by the CGT trade union.

Other offices and positions held
Position held within the Company
  • Research Engineer at the EDF Research and Development Division
Office/Position Title Country







Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years
  • None
VINCENT RODET, 56 years old
Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

23 November 2019

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Strategy Committee, Audit Committee, Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee, and Corporate Responsibility Committee

Shares held

289 (1)



Holder of an advanced graduate diploma (DESS) in Organisational Sociology from Lyon II University, Vincent Rodet began his career in 1987 as an energy movement computer specialist (RTE), and then joined the consultancy service in 1995, which then worked for both EDF and Gaz de France. From 2007 to 2014, he was EDF SA CFDT Central Trade Union Representative and EDF group CFDT Coordinator. In this capacity, he was a member of the France Group Committee and the European Committee. From 2014 to 2018, he led the CFDT delegation, with responsibility for social dialogue within the Electrical and Gas Industries Division As a member of the French National Nuclear Industry Strategy Committee (CSFN) in 2018, he contributed to work on reconsolidation of the nuclear industry and more broadly oversaw the Multi-year Energy Programme (PPE) process for the CFDT trade union. In 2020, he obtained the Company Director Certificate jointly issued by the IEP (i.e. French Institute of Political Studies) and the Institut français des administrateurs (French Institute of Directors). Vincent Rodet is sponsored by the CFDT trade union.

Other offices and positions held
Position held within the Company
  • HR Operator Manager, Special duties at the Industrial Professionalisation & Performance Unit (UPI)
Office/Position Title Country



Comité stratégique de la filière nucléaire (CSFN)







Board of Directors of the Caisse centrale d’activité  sociales (i.e. central social activity fund (CCAS)).




Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years
  • None

(1)  Shares held through the corporate mutual profit-sharing scheme (FCPE) (amount rounded down to the nearest unit).

Christian TAXIL, 46 years old
Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

23 November 2014

Last re-elected

23 November 2019

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Audit Committee and Strategy Committee

Shares held

1,437 (1)



Holder of an Executive MBA diploma from the ESCP Europe School and alumnus of the École des Mines in Douai, Christian Taxil began his career in 1999 at EDF Gaz de France Distribution in customer, local authority and concession management positions. From 2004 to 2008, he was responsible for labour relations in the electricity and gas industries within the management team of the Fédération CFE-CGC Énergies union. In 2008, he joined the EDF group Audit Division before being elected, from June 2009 to September 2014, General Secretary of the Fédération CFE-CGC Énergies union. He is currently Key Accounts Manager within the Sales and Marketing Division of Dalkia. In 2018, he obtained the Company Director Certificate jointly issued by the IEP (French Institute of Political Studies) and the Institut français des administrateurs (French Institute of Directors). Christian Taxil is sponsored by the CFE-CGC trade union.

Other offices and positions held
Position held within Groupe
  • Key Accounts Manager within the Sales and Marketing Division of Dalkia
Office/Position Title Country







Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years
In France
  • Elected representative of the Bureau du Syndicat mixte d’électricité, de gaz et de télécommunications du Val-d’Oise (SMDEGTVO)

(1) Shares held through the corporate mutual profit-sharing scheme (FCPE) (amount rounded down to the nearest unit).