Universal Registration Document 2021

4. Corporate governance

KARINE GRANGER, 54 years old
Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

23 November 2019

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Nuclear Commitments Monitoring Committee, Appointments, Remuneration & Governance Committee, and Strategy Committee

Shares held




A graduate of the institut universitaire de technologie du Creusot, Karine Granger began her career in 1987 at the SAT SAGEM optronic and aeronautical laboratory, then continued her professional experience with the GEC ALSTOM Group before joining EDF in 1992 at the Thermal Engineering Centre. In 2004, she was seconded to EDISON to build a combined cycle gas turbine power plant in Calabria. On her return to France, she was responsible for estimating the investment costs at the Hydraulic Engineering Centre. For this purpose, she set up and managed a network of estimators at the Engineering Production Division, all segments included. In 2014, she was appointed Chief Executive Officer of EDF Cameroon as part of a public-private partnership to develop a 420MW hydraulic project. She was appointed by the French Prime Minister as Advisor on Foreign Trade for France in Cameroon in 2016. On her return to France, Karine Granger became Energy Advisor at the FNME CGT with responsibility for industrial issues. In 2020, she also obtained the Company Director Certificate jointly issued by the IEP (i.e. French Institute of Political Studies) and the Institut français des administrateurs (French Institute of Directors). She is also a member of the Conseil supérieur de l’énergie, and of the Conseil économique social et environnemental (French Economic, Social and Environmental Council; CESER) for the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region. Karine Granger is sponsored by the CGT trade union.

Other offices and positions held
Position held within the Company
  • EDF Hydro Operational Management Control project manager
Office/Position Title Country


Title Conseil supérieur de l’énergie




Council member

Council member


CESER Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes

Council member



Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years
  • None
Sandrine LHENRY, 47 years old
Position held within the Company

Director elected by the employees

Date of appointment to the Board

28 July 2021

Expiry of current term of office

22 November 2023

Other position(s)

Member of the Audit Committee, Strategy Committee, and Corporate Responsibility Committee

Shares held




A graduate of the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers (CNAM) and holding a Master’s II HR & CSR degree from the Institut d’administration des entreprises (IAE) Paris Sorbonne, Sandrine Lhenry began her career in the Electricity and Gas Industries (IEG) in 1999 at EDF Gaz de France Distribution in the customer service field. From 2014 to 2017, she was in charge of industrial relations for the electricity and gas industries within the leadership team of the FO Energies et Mines national federation, before becoming Deputy Secretary General of the federation from 2017 to 2020. She is currently in charge of CSR missions in Enedis’s Communication & CSR
Department. Sandrine Lhenry is sponsored by FO.

Other offices and positions held
Position held within Group

Project Manager, CSR Department, Enedis.

Office/Position Title Country







Expired offices held outside the Company over the past five years
  • Alternate member of the High Energy Council (i.e. Conseil supérieur de l’énergie)