Universal Registration Document 2021

Appendix 2 Selected contributing entities

3. Non-financial performance

Appendix 2 Selected contributing entities
Environmental key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
  • Annual rate of conventional waste directed towards a waste recovery industry
  • Annual rate of conventional waste directed towards a waste recovery industry
Level of assurance


  • Nuclear fuel loaded in reactor
  • Nuclear fuel loaded in reactor
Level of assurance


(1) The verification rates and coverage rates for indicators relating to greenhouse gas emissions for the Group’s scopes 1, 2 and 3 are presented in Appendix 3.

Appendix 2

Selected contributing entities

Within EDF SA
  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office

Within EDF Production Électrique Insulaire (EDF PEI)

Within EDF Production Électrique Insulaire (EDF PEI)

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • Plant: Thermal power plant of Port-Est (La Réunion)
Within Enedis

Within Enedis

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • Enedis head office
  • Direction Régionale Provence Alpes du Sud
Within Dalkia

Within Dalkia

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • Dalkia head office
  • Subsidiaries: CRAM; Dalkia EN
  • Regional Directions: Direction régionale Est; Direction régionale Nord; Direction régionale Ile de France; Direction régionale Méditerranée; Direction régionale Centre Est;
Within EDF Energy

Within EDF Energy

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • EDF Energy head office
  • Plants: Nuclear power station of Heysham 1; Nuclear power station of Heysham 2
Within EDF Renouvelables

Within EDF Renouvelables

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • EDF Renouvelables USA; EDF Renouvelables Canada
Within Edison

Within Edison

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • Edison head office

Within Mekong Energy Company (MECO)

Within Mekong Energy Company (MECO)

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • Plant: Thermal power plant of Phu My 2.2
Within EDF Norte Fluminense

Within EDF Norte Fluminense

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • Plant: Norte Fluminense Thermal Power Plant
Within Framatome

Within Framatome

  • EDF SA head office

  • Division Combustible Nucléaire (DCN): Head office
  • Division Production Nucléaire (DPN): Head office; Plants: nuclear power plants of Chooz and Golfech
  • Division Thermique Expertise et Appui Industriel Multi-métiers (DTEAM): Thermal power plant in Martigues
  • Statistiques-optimisation DATA (SoDATA): Head office
  • Direction des Projets Déconstruction-Déchets (DP2D): Head office
  • Unité Technique Opérationnelle (UTO): Head office
  • Plant: Romans

Appendix 3

EDF group’s verified greenhouse gas emissions assessment

Verified greenhouse gas emissions Summary of the 2021 GHG assessment Tons of CO2 equivalent verified
Level of assurance and representation of the selected sample (%)
100% of the direct scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions

100% of the direct scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions

Tons of CO2 equivalent verified
27 MtCO2e

100% of the direct scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions

Level of assurance and representation of the selected sample (%)

Reasonable 67%

100% of the indirect scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions

100% of the indirect scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions

Tons of CO2 equivalent verified
0,3 MtCO2e

100% of the indirect scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions

Level of assurance and representation of the selected sample (%)

Limited 74%

100% of the indirect scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

100% of the indirect scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

Tons of CO2 equivalent verified
102 MtCO2e

100% of the indirect scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions

Level of assurance and representation of the selected sample (%)

Limited 22%