Universal Registration Document 2021

Appendix 1 Selected qualitative information

3. Non-financial performance

Appendix 1 Selected qualitative information

Appendix  1

Selected qualitative information

  • Environment, nuclear safety, radiation protection (Environmental protection; A constant nuclear safety procedure; The control system; Whistleblowing system; Significant events regarding safety; Radiation protection)

Selected quantitative information

Social key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
  • Workforce as of 31/12/2021 and breakdown by age and gender
  • Workforce as of 31/12/2021 and breakdown by age and gender
Level of assuranceReasonable
  • Gender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities
  • Gender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities
Level of assurance


  • Percentage of employees who have taken part in a skills development initiative
  • Percentage of employees who have taken part in a skills development initiative
Level of assurance


  • Number of fatal accidents connected to business-specific risks - Employees and providers
  • Number of fatal accidents connected to business-specific risks - Employees and providers
Level of assurance


  • Global Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) - Employees and providers
  • Global Lost Time Incident Rate (LTIR) - Employees and providers
Level of assurance


  • Accident severity rate - Employees
  • Accident severity rate - Employees
Level of assurance


Societal key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
  •  Proportion of executives who have completed the anti-corruption training program
  •  Proportion of executives who have completed the anti-corruption training program
Level of assurance


  • Annual rate of projects for which a dialogue and consultation procedure is engaged (in accordance with the Equator Principles)
  • Annual rate of projects for which a dialogue and consultation procedure is engaged (in accordance with the Equator Principles)
Level of assurance


  • Annual rate of procurement from SMEs in France
  • Annual rate of procurement from SMEs in France
Level of assurance


  • Achievement rate of supporting actions backed by EDF, encouraging relocation and maintaining nuclear industry skills ("France Relance" Programme)
  • Achievement rate of supporting actions backed by EDF, encouraging relocation and maintaining nuclear industry skills ("France Relance" Programme)
Level of assurance


  • Achievement rate of EDF commitments towards French Responsible Digitalization Institute (INR)
  • Achievement rate of EDF commitments towards French Responsible Digitalization Institute (INR)
Level of assurance


  • Nuclear safety: Number of significant level 2 events on the INES scale
  • Nuclear safety: Number of significant level 2 events on the INES scale
Level of assurance


  • Number of visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms
  • Number of visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms
Level of assurance


  • Number of smart meters installed
  • Number of smart meters installed
Level of assurance


Environmental key performance indicators and outcomes Level of assurance
  • EDF group direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) (1)
  • EDF group direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) (1)

Level of assurance

  • Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions due to electrical generation
  • Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions due to electrical generation

Level of assurance

  • Water intensity: water consumed / electricity generated by fleet
  • Water intensity: water consumed / electricity generated by fleet

Level of assurance

  • EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2) (1)
  • EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2) (1)

Level of assurance


  • EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3) (1)
  • EDF group indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3) (1)

Level of assurance


  • Emissions from electricity purchased and sold to end customers
  • Emissions from electricity purchased and sold to end customers

Level of assurance


  • Emissions from gas sold to end customers
  • Emissions from gas sold to end customers

Level of assurance


  • Installed net renewable electricity generating capacities
  • Installed net renewable electricity generating capacities

Level of assurance


  • Deployment rate of the framework guidelines on carbon offset solutions within the entities concerned
  • Deployment rate of the framework guidelines on carbon offset solutions within the entities concerned

Level of assurance


  • Deployment rate of new climate change adaptation plans within concerned entities
  • Deployment rate of new climate change adaptation plans within concerned entities

Level of assurance


  • EDF group’s Electric Vehicles rate in the fleet of light vehicles
  • EDF group’s Electric Vehicles rate in the fleet of light vehicles

Level of assurance


  • Avoided CO2 emissions thanks to sales of innovative goods and services
  • Avoided CO2 emissions thanks to sales of innovative goods and services

Level of assurance


  • Implementation rate of innovative solutions encouraging multifunctional land use
  • Implementation rate of innovative solutions encouraging multifunctional land use

Level of assurance


  • Achievement rate of “Act4nature international” commitments
  • Achievement rate of “Act4nature international” commitments

Level of assurance


  • Radioactive waste from operations – France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste
  • Radioactive waste from operations – France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste

Level of assurance


  • Radioactive waste from operations – UK: volume of low-level radioactive solid waste generated
  • Radioactive waste from operations – UK: volume of low-level radioactive solid waste generated

Level of assurance


  • Very-Low Level radioactive Waste (VLLW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities - Group in France
  • Very-Low Level radioactive Waste (VLLW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities - Group in France

Level of assurance


  • Low and Intermediate Level radioactive Waste (LLW and ILW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities - Group in France
  • Low and Intermediate Level radioactive Waste (LLW and ILW) from decommissioning and associated industrial activities - Group in France

Level of assurance


  • Very-Low Level solid radioactive Waste - EDF
  • Very-Low Level solid radioactive Waste - EDF

Level of assurance


  • Short-Lived Low and Intermediate Level solid radioactive Waste - EDF
  • Short-Lived Low and Intermediate Level solid radioactive Waste - EDF

Level of assurance
