Economic activities | CAPEX (in millions of euros) |
CAPEX Ratio |
A.1 Eligible activities | A.1 Eligible activitiesCAPEX (in millions of euros)
A.1 Eligible activitiesCAPEX Ratio
Nuclear power generation activity (1) | Nuclear power generation activity (1)CAPEX(in millions of euros) 4,386 |
Nuclear power generation activity (1)CAPEX Ratio23% |
Electricity distribution (2) | Electricity distribution (2)CAPEX(in millions of euros) 4,636 |
Electricity distribution (2)CAPEX Ratio25% |
Renewable energies (3) | Renewable energies (3)CAPEX(in millions of euros) 2,007 |
Renewable energies (3)CAPEX Ratio11% |
Acquisition and ownership of buildings | Acquisition and ownership of buildings CAPEX(in millions of euros) 462 |
Acquisition and ownership of buildings CAPEX Ratio2% |
Electricity production by hydropower (4) | Electricity production by hydropower (4)CAPEX(in millions of euros) 301 |
Electricity production by hydropower (4)CAPEX Ratio2% |
Others (5) | Others (5)CAPEX(in millions of euros) 547 |
Others (5)CAPEX Ratio3% |
Total eligible activities | Total eligible activitiesCAPEX (in millions of euros)12,339 |
Total eligible activitiesCAPEX Ratio66% |
B. Non-eligible activities | B. Non-eligible activitiesCAPEX (in millions of euros)
B. Non-eligible activitiesCAPEX Ratio
Nuclear power generation activity | Nuclear power generation activity CAPEX(in millions of euros) 4,692 |
Nuclear power generation activity CAPEX Ratio25% |
Other non-eligible activities (including gas) | Other non-eligible activities (including gas) CAPEX(in millions of euros) 1,729 |
Other non-eligible activities (including gas) CAPEX Ratio9% |
Total non-eligible activities | Total non-eligible activitiesCAPEX (in millions of euros)6,421 |
Total non-eligible activitiesCAPEX Ratio34% |
TOTAL CAPEXT | TOTAL CAPEXTCAPEX (in millions of euros)18,760 |
(1) This activity corresponds to activities 4.26. Pre-commercial stages of advanced technologies with minimal waste from the fuel cycle, 4.27. Construction and safe operation of new nuclear power plants, for the generation of electricity or heat, including for hydrogen production, using best-available technologies, 4.28 Electricity generation from nuclear energy in existing installations, as described in the complementary Delegated Act on nuclear and gas activities.
(2) This activity corresponds to activity 4.9. Transmission and distribution of electricity as described in the annexes to the Delegated Acts.
(3) This activity includes activities 4.3. Electricity generation from wind power, 4.1. Electricity generation using solar photovoltaic technology and 4.10. Storage of electricity as described in the annexes to the Delegated Acts.
(4) This activity corresponds to activity 4.5. Electricity generation from hydropower as described in the annexes to the Delegated Acts.
(5) Other activities include activities 4.15. Heating/cooling networks and 4.20. Cogeneration of heat/cold and power from bioenergy as well as the activities 9.3. Professional services related to the energy performance of buildings and 7.3. Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment as described in the annexes to the Delegated Acts.
The turnover ratio referred to in Article 8(2)(a) of regulation (EU) 2020/852 is calculated as the share of net turnover derived from products or services associated with Taxonomy-eligible or Taxonomy-aligned economic activities (numerator) divided by net turnover (denominator).
“TurnoverT” corresponds to the total amount of non-Group turnover under IAS 1, i.e. IFRS 15 turnover from contracts and rents received under IFRS 16.
For the Group, this definition corresponds to the amount of turnover reported in the consolidated financial statements, excluding Trading turnover (see note 5.1.2 of the consolidated financial statements in section 6.1).
In France, the EDF group manages its generation in an integrated manner based on its generating facilities and the upstream-downstream balance. Accordingly, the turnover recorded has been allocated on the basis of the volumes produced by the various production channels, based on the published electricity balance sheet (see section