Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance Partnerships

Partnerships are an important commitment for the Group, which evidence its mobilisation to promote the energy transition in local regions. These partnerships are in line with EDF’s raison d’être, built through dialogue with stakeholders, and in line with the four major Corporate Social Responsibility issues.

Key CSR issues Complete references in the NFPS Example
Carbon neutrality and the climate

Carbon neutrality and the climate

Complete references in the NFPSSections 3.1

Carbon neutrality and the climate



Preserving the planet’s resources

Preserving the planet’s resources

Complete references in the NFPSSections 3.2

Preserving the planet’s resources



Well-being and solidarity

Well-being and solidarity

Complete references in the NFPSSections 3.3

Well-being and solidarity



Responsible development

Responsible development

Complete references in the NFPSSections 3.4

Responsible development


UNCPIE Responsible communication

For over 20 years, EDF has developed responsible, educational and local communication, focusing on its public service values and based on authenticity and respect. In January 2021, the EDF group ranked first in the list of the most credible companies in terms of communication, in the utilities/energy category(1). Responsible communication focused on the four key issues derived from EDF’s raison d’être

In its communications, the Group expresses itself in a manner consistent with the four key issues of Corporate Social Responsibility, based on its raison d’être.

Carbon neutrality and the climate
COP26 Climathon The Climathon Sprint was a climate hackathon co-organised by EDF (2) during the COP26 for students from all backgrounds. For this first edition, more than 60 participants, divided into 12 teams over several time zones (United Kingdom, China, France), mobilised to produce in 2 days a low-carbon regeneration concept for West Burton A, the last coal-fired power plant operated by EDF in the United Kingdom, which is scheduled to close in September 2022.
Preserving the planet’s resources
IUCN World Conservation Congress Held every four years, this Congress influences international policies on biodiversity, especially through the motions voted to be sent to governments and other leaders. Through various events, the Group conveyed a clear message: climate and biodiversity are the same emergency, the same fight.
Well-being and solidarity
Women in industry EDF has launched an “Open innovation” campaign entitled “Co-developing industry for women”, to raise awareness of technica professions and make them more appealing to women.
Responsible development
Sustainable Development Meetings The Group was a partner of the “2021 Sustainable Development meetings”, organised by the Open Diplomacy Institute, on the cities of tomorrow, the energy mix of the future, the industry of the future, and investments in responsible finance. Responsible communication visible to the general public
FAIRe EDF is a signatory of the FAIRe programme (2018), which is led by the Union des marques association. This programme allows companies to start engaging in responsible communication and allows Union des marques to evaluate their performance in this area each year.In 2021, EDF earned a score of 2.67/3, up slightly from 2020, above the general average of members.
At the top of the “Scan Eco-responsible” ratings In September 2021, the “Scan Eco-responsible” ratings guide, commissioned by Capital and Advent, put EDF at the top of the transport and energy sector, which includes 80 French companies rated on their image based on 28 environmental and social criteria.
Luminus wins awards in Belgium In January 2021, Luminus NV’s sustainability report, published since 2012, received three awards from the jury for the best Belgian sustainability report, including “Best Stakeholders Inclusiveness and Engagement”, across all company categories.

(1) Epoka awards, 29 January 2021: player.vimeo.com/video/502701862 ?title=0&byline=0&portrait=0.

(2) With Urbanomy, Artelia, Novazure, IDEALondon, UCL, Capital Enterprise.