Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance 2021 social agenda

The 2021 social agenda, marked by the pandemic, was the subject of several discussions with the Central Trade Union Representatives.

Three agreements and two amendments concluded unanimously
  • two extensions of the collective agreement on employee protection and social measures as part of the relaunch of activity at EDF;
  • the 2021 profit-sharing agreement at EDF;
  • the method agreement on the revision of EDF’s European Works Council agreement;
  • the agreement on professional gender equality at EDF 2021-2025.
Other collective agreements or amendments signed by EDF

Agreement on EDF’s contributions to the PERCO and PEG employee savings plans

In keeping with the “Social Dialogue 2020” project:

  • revision of the collective agreement relating to the establishment of SECs and local representatives within EDF;
  • revision of the collective agreement on the establishment of union delegates and the exercise of union rights at EDF;
  • amendment no. 4 to the EDF European Works Council agreement;
  • the Travailler Autrement, Manager Autrement (Work differently, Manage differently) agreement, after 14 negotiating sessions.

Negotiations on EDF salary measures were opened on 2 December 2021.

Oversight process for implementing collective agreements The process for monitoring the implementation of collective agreements provided for in the organisational decision of the Group HR Department (1) to assess the effects of agreements in force and improve their efficiency has resulted in an initial action plan drawn up jointly with EDF’s business divisions and the HR operator. It was approved in early 2021, and is currently being deployed. EDF’s Consultation and Coordination Body (ICCE)

The ICCE is a forum for social dialogue, exchange and/or consultation with EDF’s representative trade union organisations, led by the Group Social Dialogue Director. Its role is to discuss societal and development issues that do not fall within the remit of employee representative bodies or emerging issues, decisions or policy orientations.

For the year 2021, five sessions were held (two of which were in-person), and 11 topics were presented, including the results of the My EDF 2020 survey, the Nuclear EDEC and the Nuclear University, the new e-Campus, and an assessment of salary measures. Employee Representative Bodies (ERB)

In 2021, the structure of the Employee Representative Bodies included 48 site-level Social and Economic Committees, one Central Social and Economic Committee for EDF and one France Group Committee. Central Social and Economic Committee (CSEC)

The Central SEC, which was established in December 2019, is made up of 25 employee representatives and 4 trade union representatives.

15 plenary sessions were held in 2021, covering current affairs, the economic and financial situation, corporate employment policy, and projects such as the creation of a national Hydro Conduite centre, the creation of the Group Innovation Department, the IS Strategy, the Contact project within the Insular Energy Systems Department, and real estate projects. France Group Committee (CGF)

The France Group Committee is a forum for dialogue at the Group level in France, and is made up of 28 employee representatives of the Group’s subsidiaries (EDF, Dalkia, EDF Renewables, Framatome, Enedis, Cham, RTE, Citelum).

In 2021, this Committee met four times, including one special session. The following topics were discussed in 2021: mobility within the Group, the employment situation, the economic and financial situation, the Group’s strategic orientations, the sale of Dalkia Wastenergy, and news from subsidiaries in France. Social dialogue metrics

The social dialogue indicator selected at the Group level measures the existence of collective agreements in the key companies controlled. While taking into account certain particularities encountered internationally, the commitment aims to achieve social performance measured by this indicator at a rate of over 87% of employees covered in the consolidated scope.

  Annual target 2019 2020 2021
Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement (in %)

Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement

(in %)

Annual target


Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement

(in %)



Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement

(in %)



Rate of employees covered by a collective agreement

(in %)



(1) “Overseeing collective bargaining at EDF”.