Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Energy Support Service: the Group’s key performance indicator

Since 2010, Accompagnement Énergie has been providing a personalised solution to any EDF customer who has trouble paying. This is a system deployed by telephone by 5,000 customer advisors and 230 solidarity experts.

The Energy Support Service and who is involved
5,000 Customer Relations Advisors

All of them are based in France (1), and have been taught all about energy insecurity situations. They detect the first signs of hardship and offer the first forms of assistance.

The EDF advisor checks that the customer is getting the right rate for their consumption habits and that the bill has been calculated on the basis of a real index. The advisor tells the customer how to lower their consumption and discusses the terms of payment. They inform the customer about the energy voucher, directing them to those who can help if necessary.

230 Solidarity Experts 230 EDF Solidarity Experts dedicated to solidarity who work directly with social action organisations to provide the best possible support to the most vulnerable customers.
Group key performance indicator

The key performance indicator relates to the number of advisory actions carried out with customers within the framework of the Energy Support Service. The methodology associated with this indicator is described in section 3.6 “Methodology”. 

In 2021, the number of advisory actions is within the range of the annual target. These actions have increased by more than 15% for customers facing recurring situations of energy insecurity and receiving personalised support from EDF’s Solidarity Centres. In a context of moderate rate changes (limited to a 2% increase in the blue rate in 2021) and the preservation of effective support measures for customers facing hardship (winter grace period extended by two months and increased distribution of energy vouchers by the public authorities), these actions have been significantly reduced for our customers affected by occasional payment difficulties.

Individual guidance provided every year to our clients as part of the “Energy Support” framework (number of actions)
  • 2019 : 894,260
  • 2020 : 905,017
  • 2021 : 642,482
  • Target : Between 600,000 and 1,000,000
Local basis for the solidarity policy

Several additional tools allow EDF’s solidarity policy to be fleshed out and rooted as close as possible to the problems being faced.

Solidarity contacts

The work of the Solidarity Experts is supplemented by that of the Solidarity Contacts, who are the regional leaders of EDF’s solidarity policy. They raise awareness of energy insecurity issues among their partners and provide them with training.


Effectively fighting against energy insecurity usually means working with partners. EDF works with the Centres communaux d’action sociale (CCAS), as well as with major charities such as the Abbé Pierre Foundation, the Red Cross, Secours Catholique, and Secours Populaire Français. EDF cooperates with the Union Nationale des CCAS (UNCCAS) and the Association des cadres territoriaux de l’action sociale (ACTAS) to seek all forms of innovation, for example in terms of access to rights.

Mediation points (PIMMS) and social mediation

To strengthen its support in the field, EDF works with many social conciliation structures throughout France, including around forty PIMMS (multiservice conciliation and information points). As part of its partnership with the national Pimms mediation network, EDF participates in the development of PANDAs (Point d’accompagnement numérique pour les démarches administratives), which are dedicated spaces for supporting people who are least acquainted with digital technology.

Enedis chairs the National PIMMS Mediation Network and acts provides support in the form of information and awareness-building, and in the context of procedures for unpaid bills, always contacts the customer before cutting off or limiting their power.

(1) see section “Focus on the customer service lines of business”.