Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Mobilisation for economic and social recovery
Agreement with Pôle emploi

In March 2021, EDF signed an agreement with Pôle Emploi that aims to match EDF group job listings with the skills of job seekers.

Train de la relance

EDF took part in the Train de la Relance (“Recovery Train”) programme organised as part of the Plan France Relance. EDF group’s HR and business teams, including Dalkia, Framatome and ES (Électricité de Strasbourg), in partnership with Pôle emploi, offered “speed dating for a job” sessions

Sector in decline or affected by PSE

EDF is pursuing its responsible and win-win sourcing approach and is offering jobs to employees with experience in sectors that are shrinking or affected by PSEs (1). Other innovative sourcing methods

The Group maintains a high level of digital communication in order to maintain its position and role as an indirect “source” via social media and online events targeted at the profiles it seeks. Communication on the Group’s businesses and subsidiaries has been strengthened, with a particular focus on the Group’s recruitment priorities.

Webseries Videos

On EDF Recrute, EDF offers a web series of 6 videos to introduce young people aged 18 to 25 to the electricity industry by highlighting employees through their know-how and their passion for their profession.

Cartes en main Podcast

A series of podcasts that discusses the variety of jobs at EDF, gives advice about getting hired, addresses social issues that have an impact on professional careers, and highlights some of the Group’s more hard-to-fill job listings. The podcast is available on Spotify, Deezer and the EDF Recrute career site. Detailed information on the Group’s workforce A workforce trajectory in line with the Group’s strategic orientations

The EDF group’s consolidated workforce totalled 167,157 employees as of 31 December 2021 (subsidiaries consolidated).

The number of employees increased slightly compared to the end of 2020 (+1.2%), in line with the Group’s industrial and commercial challenges. This increase is due to new acquisitions in 2021, including Framatome’s acquisition of the nuclear instrumentation-and-control business of the British group Rolls-Royce, the integration of IZI Solutions Renov, and a higher volume of recruitment for the Group’s nuclear and renewable energy companies.

Five companies have more than 10,000 employees: EDF (63,070), Enedis (38,701), Framatome (16,551), Dalkia (18,451) and EDF in the United Kingdom (11,141). The overall workforce rose slightly compared to the end of 2020 (+0.7%) against a backdrop of the energy transition, technological developments and intensifying competition in France and the UK. 80% of the workforce is French, 96% of the workforce is located in Europe (including France) and 4% outside Europe. The workforce in France

EDF remains committed to its transformation and to adapting its business model (new nuclear power, development of renewable energies, development of new commercial offers, including offers, electric mobility, optimisation of support functions, digitalisation of internal tertiary processes, targeted international development etc.). 

In France, the Group companies had 133,467 employees on 31 December 2021, a very slight increase on the figures for 2020 (+1.4%) The Group’s companies in the nuclear and renewable energy services sector are expanding quickly to support the development of their business, with Framatome’s workforce growing 14.8% and that of EDF Renewables, 9.3%. International Group workforces: 96% of the international workforce is European

The international workforce increased by 2.3%, with EDF Renewables in particular growing 14.3%. The workforce of the Group outside Europe is mainly located in America (5,448), Asia (802) and to a lesser extent in Africa (204).

16% of the Group’s workforce is located in Europe (excluding France). This evolution reflects contrasting trends among EDF group companies in Europe. The Group’s companies in the field of nuclear services are growing (+8.5% for the deconstruction company Cyclife). Conversely, increased competitive pressure in the United Kingdom led to a downward adjustment in the workforce for EDF Energy (- 4.9%).

(1) PSE: Employment Protection Plan (Plan de Sauvegarde de l’Emploi).