Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance Making skills development a driver for employees’ career paths
Commitment to internal promotion and mobility

In addition to the actions set out in the skills development plan, the Group is further strengthening its commitment to internal promotion and mobility, thanks to the richness and diversity of its career paths: information provided at various stages of their career (regional e- forums on mobility); support for changes in pay grade (mainly transitions to executive grade); work-study programmes; and training for promotion, including degree programmes.

This commitment is also being strengthened by further deploying retraining schemes through work-study programmes and by extending the successful training-reconversion formula for data analysts to other courses in fields said to be facing “tension”, especially in the production fields.
First RNCP certification developed in-house A two-year degree course to train young nuclear technicians, who will be operational as soon as they take up their posts, has been designed entirely in-house. It is the first course of its kind to be certified by France’s Répertoire national des certifications professionnelles (National Directory of Professional Certifications, or RNCP) (1). The first two classes started in November 2021 at the Group’s two energy profession learning centres (CFAs). Group talent management

The Talents policy, implemented at the level of the EDF group, describes the principles and criteria for identifying and validating employees with the potential, in the long and short term, for executive level responsibilities.

Early identification

Early identification of high-potential managers, with strong involvement from the Group’s senior managers, enables them to be prepared and monitored over the long term, via individualised support (career paths, development plan, training) and special events as part of a network.


To identify the managers of tomorrow, assessments are carried out to evaluate the potential of managers according to a leadership model that is unified at the Group level.

Talents 2.0

Since 2018, the Talents 2.0 allows employees to identify themselves directly through a series of online tests.

Y Project

Each year, the “Y project” mobilises some 30 young employees from the Group’s entities and subsidiaries. The aim of the meeting was to accelerate EDF’s transformation using digital technology, and their work has resulted in concrete proposals being presented to the enlarged Executive Committee. For the fourth season, the “Ys” proposed to develop the Group’s main digital interfaces in order to better address three key issues: Each employee learning the raison d’être, stimulating internal mobility, and transferring skills. Support for the Group’s executives and managers: the Group Management University (GMU)

The Group Management University (GMU) was created in 2010 to support the development of EDF group managers and executives throughout their careers.

GMU has pooled its intelligence to develop the new leadership ambition and has been deploying it since early 2020. More than 120 Management Committees have adopted this new model through collective workshops and a network of 50 ambassadors. Skills development in the area of sustainable development

In line with the Company’s training policy, there are many training courses available for employees and managers and also executives and Directors on sustainable development issues.

These training options include, to take a few examples: “Strategic energy business” for senior executives, “Building a decarbonised electricity mix by 2050: Challenges and methodology”, “Business and sustainable development” for new Directors of the Group (2), and “New Energy World” for the Group’s talents.

Skills relating to low-carbon electricity generation and the safety of facilities are maintained and developed through the training programmes for business lines and employee on-boarding programmes.

Comprehensive “environment – sustainable development” training programme

In France, a comprehensive “environment - sustainable development” training programme features both business line and cross-disciplinary training focusing on themes of environmental management, standards and regulations, and environmental analysis.

“Environment – sustainable development” training programme 2021

Number of employees trained in “Environment – Sustainable Development”


Number of hours of training


E&S pathway

As part of the creation of the new “Environment and Social” skills community, a special training programme, consisting of 17 modules, has been designed to strengthen and standardise the skills of employees already experienced in one of the two E&S areas.

In 2021, some 15 high-level managers have been trained to provide advisory support to project teams in order to ensure that environmental, social and societal aspects are better integrated from the outset. Several projects have been supported within this framework since 2021.

(1) Certification issued by France Compétences.

(2) Enhanced with the “Eco2” system, see section “Innovation and collective intelligence focused on climate action”.