Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance Consumer health and safety

In addition to its long-standing commitment to the safe use of electricity (1), the EDF group is also committed to consumer health. In the upstream branch of its activity, it has a positive impact on air quality because of its low-carbon production method. Downstream, with regard to the uses of electricity and its applications, it authorises the development of best practices in terms of mobility, cold chains, and home comfort.

The EDF group’s policy allows it to cover a wide range of activities to serve consumer health (2).

Health and environment For several years now, environmental issues have been linked to health issues out of a sense of limiting risk, anticipating future risks such as the health impacts of climate change, and promoting innovative services.
Detection of emerging issues In order to detect emerging issues as early as possible, a meeting is held every quarter with all the environmental health correspondents of all the Company’s departments. In 2021, EDF studied the implications of the French government’s new national environmental health plan for 2021-2025 and the European Commission’s draft “Zero pollution action plan” published on 12 May 2021. EDF is also anticipating the revision of the Reach regulation.
Noise pollution Regarding noise pollution, acoustic studies are conducted from the initial design stage and are included in environmental impact studies. Acoustic measurement campaigns are run in the area surrounding nuclear power plants, at a rate of two sites per year.
EDF Renewables performs acoustic studies from the initial development phase of the wind turbines and the noise levels of turbines form part of the selection criteria for machinery. The same level of attention is given to noise pollution in the Group’s international and French subsidiaries. All new transformers purchased by Enedis now use low-noise air coolers.
Light pollution With regard to the action taken to prevent light pollution, Citelum has implemented a system of sensors to adjust the intensity of lighting on the road network based on traffic density and driving speeds, which also improves car safety. Air quality Improving air quality by transforming the generation fleet
Modernisation of the thermal fleet The EDF group is continuing its process of modernising and improving the environmental performance of its thermal fleet, until it meets the best available techniques in Europe. Regarding island systems, actions are taken to reduce NOx emissions, on a case-by-case basis: optimising exhaust gas processing, or reducing the number of hours of operation for certain turbines. In Brazil, the emission levels of the Combined Gas Cycle power plant in Norte Fluminense are below NOx limit of 25ppm, mainly due to the high level of equipment maintenance. Using its future exhaust gas processing system, the Edison CGC project in Italy, Marghera Levante (780MW with 63% efficiency), which should be commissioned in 2022, will emit a quantity of NOx equivalent to 30% of the current facility’s limit.
EDF is continuing to test biofuels, low-sulphur fuels to replace fossil fuels and is also developing an alternative fuel made from wood waste (3). At the same time, EDF is developing non-NOx and SO2 emitting technologies and proposes, in the island systems, isolated 100% renewable energy systems.
SO2 and NOx emissions due to heat and electricity generation (kt) * 2019 2020 2021
SO2 NOx Dust SO2 NOx Dust SO2 NOx Dust
EDF group 18 36 3 17 30 3 18 31 3
EDF 4 10 0.4 3 9 0.2 4 10 0.2

* The methodology associated with this indicator is described in section 3.6 “Methodology”.

(1) Various schemes have been set up in all relevant Group structures in France, Italy, the United Kingdom, etc. For example, EDF systematically sends a safety instruction booklet to all customers who take out a natural gas subscription. These instructions can be accessed on the edf.fr website. Enedis also develops partnerships with organisations representing the main high-risk groups to raise awareness of the risks of fishing near power lines, or to boost cooperation in the prevention of risks relating to firefighting work near power grids. Overseas, EDF in the UK informs its customers of the potential dangers of electricity in newsletters or on the back of bills. EDF in the UK also has a toll-free number to inform its customers about safety practices. Specific action is taken regarding the most vulnerable customers to promote their health, particularly during the winter period.

(2)  Health is understood here in the sense of the WHO as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.

(3) As part of the Ecocombust project.