Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance Hydropower safety

Hydropower safety aims to limit risks of structural failure, risks relating to the operation of facilities during times of flooding, as well as watercourse flow variations during operation The hydropower safety policy aims for a high level of safety and continuous improvement. For developments related to hydraulic safety, refer to Section “Hydropower safety”. Health and safety of employees and subcontractors

In an environment that is undergoing rapid, far reaching changes, the human aspect is a core component of the CAP 2030 strategic plan. To tackle the industrial and commercial challenges it faces, the Group must remain a socially responsible and committed employer and a benchmark in terms of health.

The Group’s objective is to sustainably transform the way it works and manages its activities, in order to provide the best possible conditions for employee involvement, with a view to increasing their well-being, performance and team mobilisation.

A pioneering system for listening to employees and gathering expectations: “MyEDF group”
MyEDF Group The annual employee engagement survey “MyEDF group” is sent to all Group employees to gather their opinions on their work life and their perception of the Company at both the local and Group levels. Areas of satisfaction and areas for improvement are identified, and the results of this survey are examined by the Executive Committee and the various Management Committees. They help guide priorities and feed action plans within the teams.
2021 Survey The 2021 survey took place over 4 weeks. It is conducted by IPSOS, which strictly guarantees the anonymity and confidentiality of responses. Participation rose again, to 79%. The engagement index remained at a good level (69%) identical to last year. The leadership results (leadership index (1)) are integrated into the variable compensation of senior executives (see section “CSR and remuneration policy for group executives”). Health and safety policy

The Group’s health and safety policy, adopted in April 2018, was updated in April 2021.

Ambition The Group strives to set an example in the area of Health and Safety.
Raised to the highest level of the Group The policy is based on a commitment signed jointly by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and all members of the Executive Committee.
Consistent framework The policy defines a consistent framework and all policies and action plans of the Group’s different subsidiaries must comply with the policy.
Scope This Group policy applies to all the companies controlled by the EDF group, in all the countries in which EDF operates. It concerns both its employees and its subcontractors.
Priorities and objectives The priorities of the policy are primarily to eradicate serious and fatal accidents, and secondarily to reduce the number of accidents and to fight against absenteeism. The policy aims to anchor throughout the Group the foundation formed by the Group’s key rules and the BEST health and safety management reference framework, enhanced with new practices. This policy is accompanied by a roadmap that mobilises the Group’s entities to achieve the objectives set.
Review The Executive Committee reviews health and safety figures and monitors action plans regularly. A strategic Committee steers the deployment of the policy. Health and safety management
The basis of health and safety management
The 10 key rules In 2021, the Group focused its commitment on the 10 key rules, identified on the basis of an analysis of the fatal accidents that have struck the EDF group over the past 30 years.
BEST reference framework The review organised in February 2021 by the Health and Safety Strategic Committee showed that 100% of the Group’s scope had carried out a self-assessment of its health and safety management system according to the BEST reference framework.
ISO 45 001 and MASE certifications
Coverage rate At the end of 2021, 35.2% of EDF group employees were covered by an external health and safety certification.
“Safety Stop”
NoGo When safety conditions related to key rules are not met, a “NoGo” must be activated to correct the situation before starting. In the same way, when unforeseen circumstances no longer allow the safety rules to be respected, a “safety STOP” should be marked.
2021 A pause was observed throughout the Group in October 2021 for each work team to discuss how to adapt the new policy to their own situation and ensure its adoption.

(1) The leadership index is a descriptive and factual “managerial dynamics index” which, when used in a macro way, makes it possible to measure the quality of management throughout the entity.