Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Radioactive waste and decommissioning

Waste resulting from the decommissioning of power plants and associated industrial activities is identified in France using the indicators of very-low level solid radioactive decommissioning and industrial waste (VLLW) and low-level and intermediate-level (LILW) radioactive waste. For the Group in France, the volume of very-low-level waste is 2,707m3 in 2021, compared to 2,007m3 in 2020. The volume of low-level and intermediate-level waste is 622m3 in 2021, compared to 251m3 in 2020.

Waste from Framatome’s industrial activities in Belgium and the USA is identified by the class A radioactive waste indicators. In the USA, the volume of class-A waste is 215m3 in 2021, compared to 378m3 in 2020. In Belgium, decommissioning activities at the Dessel site are being completed and did not produce Class A waste in 2021, as in 2020. For further methodological details on this data, see section 3.6 “Methodology”. Eco-design

The circular economy approach is integrated right from the engineering phase for new construction projects or major changes to processes. Several measures have been taken (1):

At every stage of the process The design of facilities by engineering entities is based on an eco-design approach taking account of their environmental footprint, production management and waste recovery throughout their entire lifecycle.
Organisational innovations Implementation of dedicated requirements in specifications or internal procedures simplifying forward thinking on construction sites; classification of industrial processes limiting waste production.
Technical innovations and solutions Water/oil separation of hydrocarbon effluents, asbestos removal, energy recovery. The Dampierre power station, for example, uses its hot water to supply nearby agricultural greenhouses.
Raising awareness among stakeholders Awareness-raising activities for staff and providers, for example in the form of e-learning or competitions. Optimisation of resources

The Group’s entities and companies are committed to a process of continuous improvement according to the principle that the “best waste” is waste that is not produced.

Entity action plans The entities have action plans aimed at limiting the generation of waste integrated in the environment and management systems’ action programmes with associated indicators (quantity of waste prevention, savings made on waste management, quantity of equipment reused, etc.).
“Waste and Circular Economy” Group This is integrated into EDF’s EMS and is tasked with carrying out prevention, optimisation and recycling actions with a view to preventing waste generation. Optimisation of fuels and raw materials

For generating electricity and energy services, the Group uses raw materials, including a significant share of fuels: uranium, gas, coal, fuel oil and biomass. Consumption of different fuels varied to differing degrees in 2021: coal (+59%), heavy fuel oil (+10%), natural and industrial gas (-7%). In France, EDF coal consumption saw an upward trend over 2021 due to tensions on the electricity market. EDF’s gas consumption fell by 7% due to reduced gas-powered energy generation. In terms of electricity consumption on industrial sites, electricity consumption for generation resource auxiliaries (approximately 20TWh/year) is mainly self-produced electricity (2).

To optimise fuels and raw materials, the Group focuses on several factors:

Variation in its generation mix The development of renewable energies, commissioning of high-efficiency combined gas cycle power plants (Edison’s Maghera Levante project is targeting the European efficiency record of 63%), use of biomass by Dalkia, modernisation of the island systems’ thermal fleet with liquid or solid biomass.
Optimisation of existing facilities Improving energy efficiency or output (IES, Dalkia, EDF in the UK) through maintenance measures, modifications, fuel quality rules and more rigorous monitoring of efficiency levels or cogeneration (e-monitoring).
Real-time selection of the most effective generation resources These optimisations, made based on load curve and according to energy efficiency, are backed up with ISO 50001 certification of 7 thermal sites on island territories. Dalkia uses an energy management tool to optimise energy facility fuel use and is increasing its renewable energy use rate, replacing fossil fuels.
Implementation of a natural uranium savings strategy EDF’s control of each stage of the fuel cycle, the design of high-efficiency fuel and suitable management of that fuel within nuclear units all contribute to optimising natural uranium needs (see section “The nuclear fuel cycle and related issues”). Recycling of spent fuel currently generates a saving of approximately 10% natural uranium via the use of MOX fuel (for a balanced cycle), and ultimately up to 25% by relaunching the RPU (reprocessed uranium) sector.
Life-cycle assessments EDF Renewables, which uses raw materials to manufacture equipment, carried out life-cycle assessments on its technologies (onshore wind turbines, photovoltaic solar, battery storage) to identify the main environmental impacts, and the life-cycle phases making the biggest contributions, and to study the technical & economic feasibility of possible improvements.
Development of zinc-air batteries Zinium is a Group subsidiary dedicated to the development of zinc-air batteries. This technology uses easily accessible and non-polluting materials (for information on rare-earth metals, see also section “Recycling in the field of new renewable energies”).

(1) See also section “Optimisation of materials”.

(2) Net electrical generation takes account of this self-produced energy.