Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Hydropower generation
Reassessment of generation The reservoirs are located upstream from basins experiencing water stress, meaning they are regularly required to provide back-up in case of lower water levels. Every 5 years, EDF Hydro reassesses its sites’ generation, taking account of changing hydrology and temperatures due to climate change.
Investment criteria

Changes in water stress is one of the criteria used to evaluate any new project presented to the investment Committee (CECEG, i.e. Executive Committee’s Commitments Committee).

Water withdrawn
Variation in water withdrawals Group water withdrawals are up 3% compared to 2020, but remain 5% below the average of the last five years.
Cooling water 69% of the water withdrawn for cooling purposes by the Group comes from marine or estuary environments, where resource availability is not an issue. This percentage is almost 63% in France, over 99% in the United Kingdom and close to 85% in Italy.
Subterranean water The quantity of freshwater sourced from groundwater is marginal and amounts to 2hm3, about 0.01% of the freshwater taken from the surface. Mains water is not used for cooling systems but only for various forms of water process for a share lower than 0.1%.
Returning water to the natural environment
99% of withdrawn water is returned At the Group level, around 43 billion cubic metres of water are used for cooling thermal power facilities, of which 99% is reusable and returned virtually instantaneously to the natural environment. As such, EDF is a significant user, but negligible consumer, of water.
Group key performance indicator

Water intensity is the specific consumption of evaporated water per kilowatt hour of electricity generated.

The stated aim is to remain below the target of 0.95l/kWh on average over the five past years, by progressively reducing specific water consumption by 2030 (the benchmark being the 2015 level at 0.96l/kWh).

This threshold would serve to put an exceptional climatic year into perspective. Taking account of the expected variation in generation resources and actions taken to optimise water, total Group-wide freshwater withdrawal and consumption should fall in the coming years.

Water intensity over 2021 alone is down compared to 2020 (0.82l/kWh). In fact, the volume of evaporated water (1) in absolute value (427hm3) is down by 2% despite the increase in thermal production and related water withdrawals. Most of this volume is in France (96%).

Water intensity (l/kWh) √
2019 : 0,87, 2020 : 0,87, 2021 : 0,86, Objectif : <0,95*

This graph shows us the Water intensity (in l/kWh) √

2019 : 0.87
2020 : 0.87
2021 : 0.86
Target : < 0.95*

* On average over the past five years

√ 2021 indicator subject to reasonable assurance check by Deloitte & Associés.

(1) Of which 99.5% fresh water.