Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Awareness of the ecological quality of land

The Company integrates biodiversity as one decision-making criterion in its industrial choices. The vast majority of EDF production sites are located close to protected sites and remarkable natural areas.

Ecosystems At the very least, ecosystems surrounding group infrastructure are studied via environmental and societal impact assessments (ESIA) completed prior to projects, following best practice (current regulations or IFC Performance Standards).
Industrial sites Mandated by the Company, UNEP – WCMC carried out a vast study to assess the ecological sensitivity of places where the Group’s 1,000 industrial sites are located (1).
Land inventories

EDF has a clear overview of the ecological status of its land, via a dedicated database, populated via both regulatory and voluntary inventories (contribution to the biodiversity Atlas since 2015). EDF has also contributed to developing and implementing the MNHN (Museum national d’histoire naturelle, i.e. French National Museum of Natural History) Ecological Quality Index and Ecological Potential Index.

In the field, a number of sites have prepared and regularly updated an inventory of the ecological quality of the land on which they are located. Management records are drawn up to assess and compare biodiversity issues and prospective land uses (project, decommissioning, rehabilitation).
Voluntary contribution to the INPN In France, EDF voluntarily transmitted to the INPN (2) some of its data from inventories collected, i.e. approximately 50,000 occurrence data, in addition to the 15,000 occurrence data stemming from EDF’s mandatory contribution. Biodiversity governance

In 2021, the Group reinforced biodiversity governance and dialogue with relevant stakeholders. Reinforcing the governance
General governance

The Group’s biodiversity governance is similar to climate governance (See section 3.1.3 “EDF climate governance”).

EDF’s attendance of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum

In 2021, EDF’s attended the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum. The TNFD’s goal is to provide better information enabling financial institutions and businesses to take account of nature-related risks and opportunities in their strategic planning, risk management and asset allocation decisions.

Other managerial initiatives and standards

Biodiversity governance has been expanded to include several new biodiversity management initiatives, recently put in place at various entities, in accordance with the new AFNOR NFX 32-001 standard: Biodiversity – Strategic and operational approach – Requirements and guidelines, published in January 2021, relating to biodiversity management, or positive biodiversity standards.

AFNOR NFX 32-001 EDF La Réunion is AFNOR-certified for all its in-situ activities, except for post-operating activities.
“Positive biodiversity project” standard The Saint Romain en Gal photovoltaic project (Rhône) was certified as a “Positive biodiversity project” via the Rives du Rhône (i.e. banks of the River Rhône) SCOT (Schéma de Cohérence Territorial, i.e. territorial coherence plan).

(1) Analysis carried out in September 2018 by the World Conservation Monitoring Center (WCMC) for EDF, EDF Renewables, EDF in the UK, Edison, EDF China and the International Division (Luminus, MECO, Nachtigal, EDF Norte Fluminense, NTPC, SLOE, and SNOP).

(2) INPN = Inventaire national du patrimoine naturel (i.e. French National Inventory of Natural Heritage).