Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Extending consideration of biodiversity to third parties

For years, EDF has been committed to an approach to sustainably manage land and respect its biodiversity. The Company takes account of issues specific to natural environments and the animal and plant species present, and since 2020 has more systematically included these in its conceded land agreements (with local owners, municipalities, non-profits, etc.).

Conceded land agreements An article dedicated to consideration of biodiversity was included in 70% of new conceded land agreements in 2021. An educational booklet explaining the ecological interest of the measures proposed is currently being prepared with the FCEN (Fédération des conservatoires d’espaces naturels, i.e. Federation of Natural Site Conservation Bodies).
Specific programme on nuclear sites

The French and English nuclear sites are engaged in a programme to preserve and restore environments in partnership with local stakeholders:

Saint-Alban EDF made a commitment with the CEN (Conservatoire des espaces naturels, i.e. Conservatory of Natural Areas) of the Isère department to restore and manage the Malessard wetland (20 hectares).
Cruas Under the terms of the partnership with the Drôme-Ardèche LPO (Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux, i.e. League for the Protection of Birds), an educational trail and pond were created on a plot of land on the site along the ViaRhôna cycling route.
United Kingdom Each site has a Biodiversity Action Plan including performance indicators that are reviewed annually. Following analysis of the results, recommendations or alternatives are put forward. Since 2016, more than 80% of indicator targets were achieved (except in 2020, due to the sanitary crisis).
Protected areas and endangered species
Europe Several EDF sites contribute to achieving the preservation objectives in the Natura 2000 areas and to implementing the Natura 2000 contracts. The Group takes action via multiple programmes dedicated to preserving biodiversity (e.g. Life+). EDF Hydro has been committed to protecting the Pyrenean desman since 2010 (currently via the 2021-2030 National Action Plan), Luminus migratory fish, and Enedis bearded vultures (Life Gypconnect 2015-2021). EDF also contributes to developing regional versions of these plans (dragonflies, otters, etc.).
Asia In Laos, NTPC is maintaining its policy of protecting biodiversity in the river basin in conjunction with the Nakai-Nam Theun National Park (formerly WMPA), the authority managing it. The EDF subsidiary is committed to having Nakai Nam Theun National Park put on the IUCN (1) Green List of Protected Areas by the end of 2023. The park’s candidacy to be added to the Green List was officially announced at the IUCN Congress in Marseille in September 2021. Improving and sharing knowledge
Research and biodiversity

For over 50 years, EDF has equipped itself with dedicated R&D and Engineering Departments working on the environment, in partnership with external bodies.

BIODIV Project This project covers most of EDF’s research actions in favour of biodiversity; the related commitment is worth €21 million over 4 years and led to the launch of 8 theses, 5 post-doctoral projects, and 43 publications. In 2021, the new Renewables Environment and Sustainability (REES) project was launched. Coordinated by EDF Renewables and executed by R&D, it studies the impacts of wind turbines (both on- and offshore) and solar power on biodiversity.
HYNES team Since 2009, EDF’s R&D and INRAE (2) have set up the joint HYNES team in order to collaborate on the development of ecological approaches to aquatic environments. Renewed in 2019, the themes of the HYNES team have been extended to land environments.
Using data to protect biodiversity In partnership with the MNHN (3), INRAE and its other research partners, EDF contributes to the development of knowledge and decision support tools such as the “Biodiversity Toolbox” (BOB) and “Ecoval” (ecological equivalence evaluation).
Monitoring surface water: Since the end of the 1990s, EDF has been conducting studies to understand the influence of water temperature on aquatic organisms in the context of climate change. Since 2020, EDF has produced seven publications on this programme. A summary of the programme was drawn up in 2021 as agreed in the public commitment.
Sentinel lakes: contribution to the long-term scheme to monitor high-altitude lakes in the face of global change.
Offshore wind power: pursuant to the Dunkirk offshore wind project, EDF Renewables is committed to conducting a data acquisition programme on the conservation status of species, environmental quality and ecosystem services in the Strait of Dover.

(1) International Union for the Conservation of Nature.

(2) inrae.fr

(3) MNHN: Muséum national d’histoire naturelle (i.e. French National Natural History Museum).