Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance The results in 2021

The key indicator for the Group is based on the fulfilment of actions taken in accordance with Act4nature international. This fulfilment rate focuses on six of these actions, meeting commitments to reduce the contribution of activities to major pressure factors; further improving and sharing knowledge; enhancing governance of biodiversity issues and raising employee awareness.

Further details of the methodology for this indicator are provided in section 3.6 “Methodology”.

Achievement rate of “Act4nature international” commitments (%)
2019, 2020 : 44, 2021 : 67, Objectif 2022 :100

This graph shows the rate of achievement of Group commitments within the framework of the international Act4Nature system (in %)

2019 : 
2020 : 44
2021 : 67
Target 2022 : 100 Group action Reducing the activities’ contribution to major pressure factors

Most of the pressures applied to biodiversity are strictly governed by regulations. The IPBES report in 2019 identifies five major pressure factors: changing use of land and sea, overexploitation of resources, climate change, pollution and invasive alien species. EDF has developed its action programme to limit its impact on each of these factors.

Changing land and sea uses
All segments included
Hierarchy The Group applies the principles of the mitigation hierarchy (1) or the regulations of the country where it is located, if these are more stringent (particularly in Europe). Group companies apply the PMO (Prevent, Minimize, Offset) hierarchy for all projects and facilities in operation (2).

For new projects the Group is optimising its site coverage and, in case of decommissioning of its facilities, works to restore the natural environment. Regarding investment decisions, 100% of the projects presented to the CECEG (3) are screened for risks related to biodiversity.

Structures currently in operation

Impacts of structures currently in operation, in particular nuclear structures, on the environment and biodiversity are the subject of monitoring conducted by EDF teams and scientific organisations such as IFREMER or IRSN.

Offsetting proposal

The Company conducted an experiment in the Isère department on the offsetting proposals with the “Initiative Biodiversité Combe- Madame” non-profit organisation and key community players. The experiment came to an end with the presentation of the project to the stakeholders in 2021. Dialogue on the actions that could be jointly carried out in the future on this site of both ecological and scientific interest is continuing.

Wind and Solar sector

Wind and solar power plants contribute to the fight against global warming and the protection of the environment, even if their construction and operation have an impact on biodiversity. All the Group renewable activities are thus part of a proactive approach aimed at limiting and controlling impacts, and seeking and implementing the best technical and technological solutions to preserve the environment.


The EDF group, the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), EDP and Shell worked together to develop guidelines (4) to prioritise mitigation measures and the best available measures to reduce impacts on biodiversity from onshore and offshore wind projects and photovoltaic projects.

EDF Renewables

EDF Renewables is committed to implementing an environmental management plan in France for all its ground-mounted photovoltaic power plants with biodiversity implications. In 2021, 100% of parks with biodiversity implications have this plant management plan in place.

(1) Principles based on Performance Standard 6 of the International Finance Corporation (IFC, a World Bank organisation) dedicated to Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Management of Living Natural Resources.

(2) The French biodiversity law of 2016 requires companies to implement “offsetting measures designed to avoid a net loss, and, preferably, even make a net gain in biodiversity”.

(3) Group Executive Committee Commitments Committee (CECEG). 

(4) portals.iucn.org/library/node/49283.