Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance Decarbonisation solutions for agriculture

To support the sector as it combats climate change, the EDF group has introduced offers such as the installation of solar panels, the production of electricity and heat using biogas, the improvement of agricultural equipment energy efficiency, the heating of environmentally-friendly greenhouses by recycling household waste, and the use of a hydrogen fuel cell to power milking machines. On 8 September 2021, EDF announced the publication of a White Paper to promote the energy transition for agriculture and support the agriculture of tomorrow as it transitions towards carbon neutrality. Decarbonisation solutions for the tertiary sector

The EDF group offers customised services to companies and professionals that wish to optimise their energy flows to improve their economic performance and reduce their environmental footprint:

Support (Futuroscope) Dalkia is supporting Poitiers’ Futuroscope theme park as it implements its environmental programme. In particular, this includes the creation of a heating and air conditioning network that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% and achieve 70% energy self- consumption by 2025. Decarbonisation solutions for local authorities

The EDF group is extensively engaged in the energy transition as it applies to cities and local authorities.

Seawater thermal energy (Sète Town Council) Together with Dalkia, the town of Sète is accelerating its ecological transition with a private seawater thermal energy conversion network. Designed to provide heating and air conditioning for homes, 73% of the supply for the future network will come from the Mediterranean Sea. Ultimately, 4,600 tonnes of CO2 emissions will be avoided each year. This is expected to result in a decrease in the annual energy bill of approximately 5%. Decarbonisation solutions for transport
The Electric Mobility Plan
Objectives With the electric mobility plan launched in October 2018, EDF is aiming for a 30% market share in the supply of electricity to electric vehicles in the Group’s four major markets (France, the United Kingdom, Italy and Belgium), the deployment of 400,000 charging points and the operation of 20,000 smart charging points by 2023. By the end of 2021, the EDF group had deployed 200,000 charging points, including over 150,000 in the UK and almost 20,000 in France, as well as 10,000 smart charging points.
Development of recharging infrastructure

As part of the electric mobility plan, the EDF group provides a full-scope range of offers for every type of use: residential customers in houses and flats, companies, and local authorities.



Izivia, a French market leader, is one of the leading operators of charging stations network.

Izivia currently has several major projects bolstering fast charging services in urban and suburban environments, such as:

  • the ongoing deployment in 59 towns around Lyon of an interoperable network of 170 stations featuring 641 charging points;
  • deployment of over 80 new charging points operated with all user services for the Métropole Aix-Marseille-Provence urban district will be completed by 2022.
Services supporting the advanced management of charging devices EDF, the Occitanie region, ADDOC and ADEME (i.e. the French Environmental & Energy Management Agency) launched the “Flexitanie” project with the aim of carrying out large-scale testing of a V2G two-way charging station management service. Installed by Izivia and supported by technology from the DREEV subsidiary, these terminals will be capable of powering a fleet of up to 100 electric cars.
Solar power and charging stations EDF, ENR, and Izivia invite companies and local authorities to install solar canopies fitted with charging stations.
IZI by EDF EDF’s local services platform IZI by EDF provides charging solutions for homes and small business premises.
United Kingdom The acquisition in February 2020(1) of UK-based Pod Point, one of the largest electric vehicle charging companies in the UK, will help to achieve these goals.
United States The September 2019 acquisition of PowerFlex Systems (PowerFlex), a pioneering company in the field of electric vehicle charging technologies, based in Los Altos in California, enables the creation of a unique decentralised energy ecosystem combining smart charging solutions for electric vehicles or building energy charging solutions, as well as solar energy production and storage systems.

(1) See EDF press release of 14 February 2020