Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Contractual and financial innovations

Contractual and financial innovations (1) help leverage the affordability of electricity. They include:

Fixed-rate electricity contracts EDF Entreprises offers customers a single contract and invoice for the entirety of their sites. This “fixed-rate electricity contract” is directed at companies.
Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) A PPA is an agreement between an electricity purchaser and a renewable-origin electricity producer at a price agreed for the entire duration of the contract. This form of contract encourages the development of renewable energies, and represents an additional commitment on the part of customers to the development of renewable energies alongside Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin certification.
For instance, EDF is making 203GWh of renewable electricity available to Bouygues Telecom between 2022 and 2024 (the equivalent of the electricity output of six wind farms operated by its subsidiary EDF Renewables) for the telecom operator to use. Established for a three-year period, the supply contract thus guarantees that these wind farms will continue to operate after the purchase commitment ends. Agregio, the EDF group subsidiary specialising in the optimisation of renewable energy production, will be responsible for supply via a PPA as part of the overall Bouygues Telecom supply contract.
Financial support EDF Entreprises’ “Energy Savings Bonus” (Prime économies d’énergie) can help fund renovation and energy efficiency works for equipment and buildings. Earning trust through quality of service

The practice of conducting customer satisfaction surveys has been extended to all departments and relevant subsidiaries. This practice serves as a tool for designing and managing offers, and inspires action plans with the goal of continuously improving customer service.

Customer relations

EDF’s customer service quality is acclaimed. More than 9 out of 10 customers are satisfied with their contact with EDF advisers (2). According to the most recent French National Energy Ombudsman reports, EDF had the lowest rate of disputes of any energy supplier in France (3). In 2021, EDF became the first energy supplier to obtain Relation Client France certification, awarded to French companies that decide to locate all of their customer service facilities in France. See section “Focus on customer service lines of business”.

Digital accessibility

EDF & Me: The EDF & Me application is viewed as one of the best on the energy supplier market, with over 16.6 million downloads. In 2021, EDF & Me was nominated for a Webby Award. The app is regularly the highest-ranked of all apps made available by energy suppliers.

Turning consumers into engaged stakeholders: The EDF group’s action to develop digital resources has provided greater access to information. The rapid rise in the number of consultations of online energy use monitoring platforms illustrates the cultural change underway.

On the basis of detailed statistics for the past year, almost 6.2 million customers logged on to these solutions at least once during the year. Over 800,000 of them are “hyperactive” users in the sense that they have logged on at least 6 times over the past 6 months. On average, users connected a little over 11 times. Visits are relatively seasonal in nature: consultation spikes are mainly observed in the winter, during periods of cold weather. They are more frequent at the start of the week, between Monday and Wednesday. 64% of visits are via a mobile terminal, 31% are from a computer, and 5% from a tablet. During each visit, users view 12 pages on average, for an average period of 2.5 minutes (nearly 4 minutes when using a computer and 2 minutes when using a mobile phone). The RE 2020 regulation supports the development of electricity uses

At the end of 2020, the French government announced its initial decisions in respect of the new RE 2020 Environmental regulation for new homes. Being fully persuaded of the urgent need to electrify consumer habits, EDF took part in the related consultation. The application legislation for RE 2020 was published on 31 July 2021 for homes, offices, and educational establishments. The new legislation will come into effect on 1 January 2022 for new residential houses and apartments, as well as for office buildings and educational establishments, followed one year later by other service sector buildings.

The carbon footprint of construction products and equipment will be aggressively reduced between now and 2031, calculated using the dynamic LCA method.

  2019 2020 2021
Number of customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms (millions) *

Number of customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms





Number of customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms





Number of customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms





* For the methodology used with this indicator, see section 3.6 “Methodology”. Developing efficient, low-energy, innovative energy services

The development of different uses of electricity and their expansion constitute a major source of leverage to assist customers towards carbon neutrality. With this in mind, the EDF group has committed to developing a broad range of offers suitable for different markets.

(1) See also section “Activities of the Customer Division”.

(2) Spontaneous satisfaction following contact by phone.

(3)  French National Energy Ombudsman (Médiateur national de l’énergie), 2018, 2019, and 2020 annual reports; proportion of disputes received pertaining to electricity or gas contracts with residential customers of national suppliers with more than 100,000 customers within the Enedis/GRDF area.