Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Innovative solutions for self-consumption and storage
Storage plan The storage development strategy launched in 2018 has led to approximately 1.1GW of projects being secured or completed by the end of 2021. In 2021, the EDF group commissioned 145MW of battery installations in Non-Interconnected Zones (NIZs), the UK, and the USA, and diversified the development areas for new projects (South Africa, Peru, and China). EDF group storage projects involve pumped-storage hydropower plants (STEPs), hybridisation of batteries with renewable energies, batteries directly connected to the network, and storage with customers.
EDF Store & Forecast EDF Store & Forecast develops and markets a software solution for energy optimisation of local electricity systems through energy forecasting and storage. It also offers turnkey electricity storage systems.
Dalkia Smart Building France’s first dual heat and electricity smart grid in the Nanterre Cœur Université ecodistrict is a smart network linking the various buildings and pooling occupant needs. This innovative energy mix combining geothermal, aerothermal, biomass and free heat recovery supplies heat, hot water and air-conditioning using 60% renewable energy. The electricity necessary for its own functioning is produced through self-produced energy photovoltaics and cogeneration (1).

DREEV is a new subsidiary of EDF leveraging the charging flexibility and storage potential offered by electric vehicles. It is a leader in France and across Europe in the deployment of the Vehicle-To-Grid (V2G) technology for businesses (company and bus fleets, etc.); this allows terminals to dispatch power to a building or the grid for various services (2).

In 2021, DREEV became the first French company to be accredited by RTE to provide system services to the network using electric vehicles (Vehicle-to-Grid). It is part of the EVVE project, the largest European project to deploy V2G terminals (800 terminals to be installed by 2025).

Using artificial intelligence and the blockchain to enhance flexibility
Dalkia Analytics Dalkia Analytics provides an energy and environmental performance coordination service for industrial facilities. Deployed on over 100 sites, the service captures new sources of energy savings by using AI to analyse production and consumption data. It can also be used to support ISO 50001 and decarbonisation certification procedures.
Enerbrain EDF Pulse Holding has taken out a stake in Enerbrain, an Italian startup specialising in smart building solutions. It has developed a solution to optimise energy efficiency in service sector buildings, based on IoT technology incorporating artificial intelligence.
Metroscope Developed by R&D researchers, Metroscope is based on an unrivalled combination of a Digital Twin and Artificial Intelligence. It can diagnose the performance losses in an industrial installation in real time. Metroscope is currently being rolled out across the nuclear fleet, and is destined to be marketed to EDF’s industrial customers.
O-One In Belgium, an algorithm capable of providing detailed forecasts of network congestion (“O-One”, developed by ORES) was trialled on a Luminus wind farm between 2019 and 2020. This active network management solution makes it easier to anticipate risks and go beyond the dispatch limits imposed on wind turbines, thereby increasing the wind farm’s average output. Low-carbon electricity at an affordable price

One of EDF’s goals is to supply sustainable electricity at a reasonable price. Based on its strong public service values, EDF considers that electricity, as an essential asset, must be accessible to all and in all areas.

In France, 23 million homes and 1.5 million businesses have chosen to adopt the regulated sales tariff (tarif réglementé de vente, TRV). In an increasingly competitive market in which over 1,200,000 domestic customers have already opted for EDF market offers, the Group has diversified its range to address demand.

Prices below the European average

As of the end of 2021, the average sale price of electricity excluding VAT at the TRV regulated sales tariff (used as a benchmark for the entire domestic customer market inasmuch as most alternative suppliers position their price in respect of this tariff) was €128.6/MWh for domestic customers. On average, every month, a residential customer who signed a “6kVA Base” contract (monthly use of 200kWh) spends €28.8 excl. VAT (€42.60 incl. VAT) on their electricity bill. A residential customer, with a “9kVA peak/off-peak” contract (monthly use of 600kWh, and 57% consumption within peak hours), spends €74 excl. VAT (€112.80 incl. VAT) on their electricity. In terms of the total price paid by consumers, households using the TRV regulated sales tariff use an average of 4.9MWh of electricity per year, with an average annual bill of €943. In the first half of 2021, the price of electricity per megawatt-hour in France was 22% lower for French households and 26% lower for professionals located in France compared to other countries in the Eurozone. In 2021, the average sale price (excl. VAT) of TRV regulated sales tariff electricity to non-domestic customers (3) was €132.5/MWh.

(1) dalkiasmartbuilding.fr/double-smart-grid-ecoquartier-nanterre-coeur-universite

(2) Through Izivia.

(3) Business market customers at Regulated Sales Rates with LV connection ≤ 36kVA.