Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance Setting the conditions for the efficient development of electricity uses A more robust, intelligent and flexible network

The energy transition and digital revolution are profoundly transforming management of the electricity distribution network (1), making it more robust, smarter, and more flexible.

More robust

Thanks to renewal programmes, scheduled renovation and use of underground lines in high-risk climate zones, the frequency of power outages has lowered, leading to a reduction in the average outage time per customer.

  2019 2020 2021
SAIDI (min.)*

SAIDI (min.)*



SAIDI (min.)*



SAIDI (min.)*



CAIDI (min.)

CAIDI (min.)



CAIDI (min.)



CAIDI (min.)



SAIFI (min.)

SAIFI (min.)



SAIFI (min.)



SAIFI (min.)



*SAIDI : System Average Interruption Duration Index ; CAIDI : Customer Average Interruption Duration Index ; SAIFI : System Average Interruption Frequency Index.

In 2021, the mean power outage time (excluding transport incidents and exceptional incidents) of 56 minutes was one of the best in the past 15 years. The quality of service provided is also reflected by maintaining steady voltage levels, kept as close as possible to the level set by regulations, and by minimising the number of outages.

More intelligent (“Smart”)

In terms of “smart grid” technology, the 20kV high-voltage network is already smart since it is supervised and equipped with automated resupplying. For the low-voltage network, the deployment of smart metres now enables us to have a real-time vision of the characteristics of the electricity at the individual customer level. In areas not interconnected with continental Metropolitan France, and outside Europe, Enedis and EDF are continuing to install connected electricity meters, allowing consumers to monitor their electricity consumption.

As of the end of 2021, 37.6 million meters had been installed, including almost 35 million in France (equipping approximately 90% of all customers) as well as in the UK and India.

  2019 2020 2021
Number of smart meters installed (in millions of units) *

Number of smart meters installed

(in millions of units)




Number of smart meters installed

(in millions of units)




Number of smart meters installed

(in millions of units)




* For the methodology used for this indicator, see section 3.6 “Methodology”.

More flexible
Roadmap In 2020, Enedis, in its capacity as distribution network manager, published its roadmap for the transformation of network scaling methods and integration of flexibilities.
Flexibility contracts At the end of 2020, Enedis signed its first 2 flexibility contracts, anticipating the transposition into French law of the energy market Directive known as the “Clean Energy Package”.
‘Smart Connection’ offer Going forward, Enedis will be offering an alternative connection offer with power modulation, also known as the Smart Connection Offer, to all high-voltage producers on request.
Regional plans for the grid connection of renewable energies Enedis is testing a new method for the scaling of renewable energy Regional Network Connection Plans in real-life conditions at 8 source substations in the Landes and Somme regions, the immediate effect of which has been to free up over 200MW of connection capacity as a result of greater flexibility (ReFlex Project).
Enedis ranked no. 1 in the global Smart Grid Index Each year, the international Smart Grid Index (SGI) benchmark assesses how smart electricity grids are across the world *. Out of 80 network operators, Enedis topped the world rankings in 2021.

* https://www.spgroup.com.sg/sp-powergrid/overview/smart-grid-index Better management of intermittence, flexibility and storage development
Innovative solutions for load balancing
Capacity Commitment electricity contracts Customers supplied with high-voltage electricity that have load-shedding capacity in excess of 300kW are being invited to take out a Capacity Commitment electricity contract. Customers trigger load shedding on the basis of a range of formats, and receive compensation in return.
Custom offers Agregio is a subsidiary of the Group which serves electricity producers with renewable generation capacities and companies with load-shedding capacities, which they can reuse on electricity markets in the best possible manner. For electricity producers, Agregio offers tailored solutions to optimise and sell their production on the markets. Agregio is also aimed at industrial and tertiary consumers, who are willing to reduce or shift their consumption in exchange for compensation.

(1) For full details of the activities of Enedis, a subsidiary managed in compliance with the rules of management independence, see section “Distribution: Enedis”.