Universal Registration Document 2021

1. The group, its strategy and activities

1.2.3 Significant events of the year

Financial targets achieved (1)

Strong increase in EBITDA and Net Income compared to 2020 and 2019

Successful disposal and cost savings plans*

Decrease in carbon intensity

(1) Targets revised on 15/12/2021 for EBITDA and on 29/07/2021 for the net financial debt/EBITDA ratio

  • Nuclear power included in European taxonomy (1)
  • France :
    • Existing nuclear and grand carénage programme: 5 fourth 10-year inspections completed, 2 in progress, and extension of 1,300 MW French nuclear fleet depreciation period to 50 years**
    • EDF is a major actor of the “France 2030” plan, bringing €1 billion of support for the nuclear industry, particularly for SMRs (2) and of the “France Relance” national recovery plan through the creation with the French State of the Fonds France Nucléaire for SME growth in the nuclear sector
    • Flamanville 3 :
      • – Update of fuel loading target from end-2022 to Q2 2023 and construction costs from €12.4 billion to €12.7 billion (3)
      • – Finalisation of repair work on the 8 welds on the main secondary circuit
    • New nuclear: Submission to the public authorities by EDF and the nuclear industry of their contribution to the programme to build 3 pairs of new EPR 2 reactors in France.
  • China: Anomaly in the fuel assemblies of Taishan reactor 1
  • United Kingdom:
    • Sizewell C :
      • – Draught law introduced by the UK government on a funding scheme (Regulated Asset Base) of new nuclear projects
      • – Announcements by the UK government of future investment of up to €1.7 billion in development of large-scale nuclear projects
  • India: Binding technical and commercial offer submitted for the construction of six EPRs (4) at the Jaitapur site
  • Poland: Submission of a non-binding preliminary offer for engineering, procurement and construction services for 4 to 6 EPR reactors in Poland (6.6 to 9.9 GW)

  • Increased production: 20.9 TWh, +8.3% vs end-2020
  • Acceleration in commissioning: 3.1GW gross (vs 2.5GW in 2020)
  • Growth in installed capacities: 12GW net at end-2021 (+13% vs 2020)
  • Substantial capacity under construction: 7.9 GW gross at end-2021, notably including the Courseulles-sur-Mer wind farm (448 MW), France’s first offshore wind farm at Saint-Nazaire (5) and a 300 MW solar power plant at Jeddah
  • Project pipeline: 76 GW gross (+27% vs end-2020) including the 1.5 GW Atlantic Shores project in the United States

  • 1.4 million residential electricity customers with market offers in France, up 40% vs end-2020 and consistent with the target of 3 million in 2023
  • Strong growth in electric mobility: close to 200,000 charging points installed and managed at end-2021, mainly Pod Point, the leader in home charging in the United Kingdom with over 150,000 charging points
  • Signature of renewable power purchase agreements (PPAs) with Bouygues Telecom, SNCF and RATP
  • Dalkia Electrotechnics/Citelum winner of a 10-year public street lighting contract for the city of Paris
  • Dalkia: creation of an innovative monitoring system for operation and maintenance of 122 SNCF railway stations, and signature of an agreement with Futuroscope for a green heating and air-conditioning network (6) using renewable energies (7)

  • Successful roll-out of the Linky smart meters, final programme target achieved in terms of time, cost and performance

(1)    According to the complementary delegated act adopted on 2 February 2022 subject to definitive adoption in 2022.

(2)    Small Modular Reactors.

(3) See the press release on 12 January 2022. Costs in 2015 euros and excluding interest during the period of construction

(4)    EDF is neither an investor nor in charge of construction.

(5)    See the press release of 28 August 2021.

(6)    Technology similar to that of heat pumps, circular economy, environment protection.

(7)    40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions for Futuroscope and 70% energy self-consumption by 2025.