Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance


This commitment covers emissions of all greenhouse gases for all scopes (1, 2 and 3) and for all operations of the Group across the globe.

Business Ambition for 1.5 degrees

In February 2020, the EDF group signed up for the “Business Ambition for 1.5 degrees: our only future” initiative launched by the United Nations Global Compact, We Mean Business and Science Based Target Initiative. This coalition has now been joined by more than 300 companies committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, in order to limit the rise in global temperatures to 1.5°C with respect to pre-industrial temperatures.

Through this commitment, the EDF group is also part of the United Nations “Race To Zero” initiative and has joined the “Climate Ambition Alliance” (1) alongside more than 120 countries, 450 cities, 45 investors and 1,000 companies.  2030 targets recognised by the SBTi initiative

In 2020, the EDF group set new targets to cut its greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, covering both its direct emissions (Scope 1) and its indirect emissions (Scopes 2 and 3). On 7 December 2020, the Science Based Targets initiative (2) confirmed based on its recently-published methodology specially developed for the electrical sector (3) that these goals are in line with the “Well Below 2°C” trajectory.

The EDF group thus committed to the following 2030 targets:

2030 targets recognised by the SBTi 50% reduction, compared with 2017 levels for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, also including emissions from non-consolidated assets and emissions associated with electricity purchased (i.e. not generated by it) to be sold to end customers.
28% reduction, compared with 2019 levels, of emissions from combustion of gas sold to end customers (Scope 3).

Section “Summary of the Group Greenhouse gas (GHG) report” and section 3.6 “Methodology” provide detailed explanations of how these goals were set. 

In keeping with these targets validated by the SBTi, the EDF group has decided to set the following additional targets for 2030:

Additional 2030 targets 25MtCO2e for Group Scope 1 emissions in 2030.
28% reduction, from 2019 levels of all Scope 3 emissions by 2030.

With these goals, the EDF group is aiming to maintain its leading position among the world’s lowest-carbon electricity companies. In order to reach these targets, a greenhouse gas emissions reduction trajectory has been developed for the three Scopes of the EDF group. This trajectory contains a 2023 milestone with the following interim targets:

2023 interim targets 28 to 30MtCO2e for the Group’s Scope 1 emissions by 2023 (this range factors in the uncertain post-health crisis scenarios).
23% reduction with respect to 2017 levels for Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, also including emissions from non-consolidated assets and emissions associated with electricity purchased (i.e. not generated by it) to be sold to end customers.
10% reduction with respect to 2019 levels for emissions associated with the combustion of gas sold to end customers and 8% reduction for the entire Scope 3 of the Group.

These 2023 and 2030 Group direct and indirect emissions targets were used to determine emission trajectories for all the Group’s business lines and entities (see section 3.1.3 “EDF climate governance”). Objectives in line with the SNBC strategy

The National Low Carbon Strategy (Stratégie nationale bas carbone, SNBC) is France’s roadmap to combatting climate change. The SNBC was introduced by the Energy Transition for Green Growth Act (Loi de transition énergétique pour la croissance verte, LTECV) in 2015, and comes up for review once every five years. It was revised in 2019 with a view to achieving carbon neutrality nationally by 2050.

This section summarises the analysis of EDF group’s carbon trajectory in view of the National Low Carbon Strategy, in accordance with the French Order of 2 November 2021 adopted under Article 66 of the French 2020 Amended Budget Act no. 2020-935 of 30 July 2020.

  2023 2030 2050
SNBC target - France not including LULUCF *

SNBC target - France not including LULUCF *


- 13%

SNBC target - France not including LULUCF *


- 32%

SNBC target - France not including LULUCF *


- 86%

SNBC target - Energy industries

SNBC target - Energy industries


- 23%

SNBC target - Energy industries


- 34%

SNBC target - Energy industries


- 96%

SNBC scenario – Electricity production

SNBC scenario – Electricity production


- 32%

SNBC scenario – Electricity production


- 37%

SNBC scenario – Electricity production


- 100%

Projected change in the EDF group’s direct emissions in France

Projected change in the EDF group’s direct emissions in France


- 34%

Projected change in the EDF group’s direct emissions in France


- 45%

Projected change in the EDF group’s direct emissions in France


- 100% (« near-zero emissions »)

* LULUCF: Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry.

(1) Alliance created in September 2019 during the Climate Action Summit of the United Nations General Secretariat by the President of Chile Sebastián Piñera.

(2) Initiative launched by the following four organisations in the wake of the 2015 Paris Agreement: CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute and World Wide Fund for

(3) Setting 1,5 °C aligned science based targets – quick start guide for electric utilities, CDP, juin 2020.