Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Summary of the EDF Group's 16 CSR commitments and associated performance indicators

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping
CSR commitments Contribution to the SDGs

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B)

CSR commitments

Ambitious carbon trajectory

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Adaptation to climate change - transition risks (3B)

CSR commitments

Carbon offset solutions

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Adaptation to climate change - physical risks (3B)

CSR commitments

Adapting to climate change

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Transformation capacity in the face of disruptions - Downstream transformation (3A)

CSR commitments

Developing electricity

use and energy services


Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets

and biodiversity (4G)

CSR commitments


Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Management of large industrial projects - risk of conflict in the use of land (4A) / Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of soil pollution (4G)

CSR commitments

Responsible land management

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Industrial safety risk and impact on environmental assets and biodiversity - risk of water pollution (4G) / Risk relating to adapting to climate change - Risk of conflict in the use of resources (3B)

CSR commitments

Integrated and sustainable water

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Risk relating to control of radioactive waste treatment 

and decommissioning of nuclear facilities (5B)

CSR commitments

Waste and circular economy


Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Nuclear safety risks during operation (5C) / Risk relating to hydro power safety (4E) / Risk relating to occupational health or safety (employees and service providers) (4C)

CSR commitments

Health and safety for all

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Ethics and compliance risk (1E) / Risk relating to the duty of care: Risks related to supply chains (4B) and management of large industrial projects (4A)

CSR commitments

Ethics, compliance and human rights

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Risk related to the development of employees‘ skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C)

CSR commitments

Equality, diversity and inclusion

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Risk related to insufficient compensation for missions of general interest (1H)

CSR commitments

Energy poverty and social innovation


Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Risks related to the management of large industrial projects - consultation of stakeholders and acceptability aspect (4A)

CSR commitments

Dialogue and consultation

with stakeholders

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Risks related to the operational continuity of supply chains and contractual relations - responsible procurement approach (4B) / Risk related to the management of large industrial projects - local development of projects (4A)

CSR commitments

Responsible regional development

Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Risk relating to management of large industrial projects (4A) - Risk related to the development of employees' skills - professionalisation action and inclusive employer approach (3C) / Risks relating to skills of the nuclear industry and associated reinforcement actions (4B)

CSR commitments


of industrial sectors

Contribution to the SDGs


Major non-financial risks resulting

from the Group's risk mapping

Risk related to attacks against assets, including cyberattacks (4D)

CSR commitments

Sustainable and inclusive digitalization

* Indicator calculated on the basis of an average over the last five years.

** Changes in the methodology for calculating the indicator.

√ 2021 figures subject to reasonable assurance audit by Deloitte & Associés.