Universal Registration Document 2021

3. Non-financial performance

Given the importance of the issues related to nuclear and hydraulic safety and radioactive waste, which are key business issues for the Group, detailed descriptions of these issues can be found mainly in Chapters 1 "The Group, its strategy and activities" and 2 "Risk factors and control framework" in the following sections: "Environment, nuclear safety, radiation protection", "The issues relating to the nuclear activity", section 2.2 risk 5B "Control of radioactive waste treatment and decommissioning of nuclear facilities, and the ability to meet related commitment", 5C "Nuclear safety violation during opertaion resulting in nuclear civil liability"; 4E "Hydraulic safety violation".

16 CSR commitments

For each of the 16 high-priority CSR issues, the Group drew up a corresponding CSR commitment in the form of operational policies and actions designed, from an environmental, social and societal point of view, to minimise the negative impacts and maximise the positive impacts of each of these issues.

The following mapping lists these 16 CSR commitments and states for each of them the corresponding non-financial risk as described in the Group major risk mapping, its contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and related performance measurements (1).

Summary of EDF group’s 16 CSR commitments and associated performance indicators

The Group’s non-financial performance is a component of the Group’s performance, designed to facilitate a just, inclusive energy transition.

For a just and inclusive energy transition

EDF’s raison d’être is based on four key areas which, taken together, aim at ensuring that the Group’s engagement in the energy transition is fair and inclusive.

For a detailed description, see the publication Just Transition commitments, "from strategy to action”  on the edf.fr website (2).

Methodology and links with other public documents

The methodology for the key indicators cited in the Statement of Non-Financial Performance (DPEF) is set out in section 3.6 “Methodology”.

The Pack ESG, a public document recognised at the Finance Transformation Awards, sets out all the EDF group’s non-financial indicators (3). The EDF group’s Impact report (4) is a public document that draws inspiration from the guiding principles of the Impact Management Project (IMP), and details how the Group aims to maximise its positive impacts to facilitate the energy transition and minimise its negative impacts.

(1) For the methodology used for these indicators, see section 3.6 “Methodology”.

(2) www.edf.fr/sites/default/files/contrib/groupe-edf/engagements/rse/transition-juste/edfgroup_rse_transition-juste-et-inclusive_principes_vf.pdf

(3) www.edf.fr/groupe-edf/agir-en-entreprise-responsable/rapports-et-indicateurs/indicateurs-extra-financiers/indicateurs-esg

(4) www.edf.fr/sites/default/files/contrib/groupe-edf/engagements/2021/impact/edfgroup_impact2021-rapport_vf.pdf