Universal Registration Document 2020

1. The Group, its strategy and activities

Electrical engineering

HTMS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF, has acquired three companies working in electrical engineering, brought together under the EDF Electrotechnics brand. HTMS has thus become a unique player in the field of electrical engineering, covering all requirements and all the components of HVA, HVB and LV solutions.

EDF Electrotechnics specialises in the manufacture of HVA substations, carrying out design, integration, installation, equipment, repair, sales, and rentals. It is involved in the operation and maintenance of high-voltage (HVA and HVB) equipment and substations, the supply and replacement of circuit breakers and transformers, troubleshooting, project management support and training.

Heating: CHAM

CHAM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the EDF group, specialising in the installation, maintenance, and repair of domestic electric heating, ventilation and air conditioning equipment: boilers, heat pumps, air conditioners, thermodynamic tanks, etc.

With 1,000 employees across France, CHAM completes upwards of 800,000 tasks a year, meeting the needs of homeowners, private and public collective housing, and businesses.

Cham draws on its local and digital channels to win over and serve customers. Cham is preparing to roll out e-maintenance for some of its customers. To do so, it is trialling remote diagnosis and repair.

In its relentless pursuit of internal and external growth, CHAM is positioning itself as a specialist energy services provider based on three key strengths: professional staff, network expertise and strong local markets.


Launched in February 2019, IZI by EDF is EDF’s brand covering services other than energy in France for domestic customers and very small businesses, irrespective of whether they are EDF customers, to support their facilities and energy transition.

In 2020, IZI by EDF released a full-service offering for sustainable homes and electric mobility:

  • a turnkey energy renovation offer focusing on heating solutions (heat pumps and boilers), insulation, ventilation, and window installation, including calculation and deduction of all regulatory aid from the customer quote, as well as a finance solution and a quality commitment;
  • a full-service solution to transition to electric mobility, including the installation of a home charging station, green electricity supply with Vert Électrique Auto, the pass mobilité (operated by IZIVIA) mobility pass to recharge anywhere in Europe, and electric vehicle leasing.

Through IZI by EDF, EDF is positioned as a general contractor-assembler for customers. It assumes liability, guaranteeing successful services and providing the ten-year warranty itself. It provides a strong commitment to the quality of work and customer relations, using carefully selected qualified contractors.

IZI by EDF also provides offers from EDF group’s specialist subsidiaries (CHAM,IZIVIA, and EDF ENR) and certain other strategic partners (AXA, Homiris). IZI by EDFis thus committed to providing peace of mind and sustainable comfort for French consumers.

Local Energy Management

In summer 2019, EDF group created the Local Energy Management (LEM) entity to speed up the development of innovative offers relating to decentralised energy management. LEM provides coordination for companies developed through intrapreneurship or acquired through external growth, including Agregio, Dreev, e2m, PowerShift, and Store & Forecast, in a range of business lines:

  • aggregating, managing, and promoting local flexibility, both upstream(intermittent production from wind and solar farms) and downstream (consumer load shedding capacities);
  • marketing renewable energy production through new supply models such asPower Purchase Agreements (providing renewable energy from renewables producers), Virtual Power Plant platforms, and peer-to-peer sales, through which domestic customers can buy from producers using blockchain);
  • smart charging solutions for electric mobility;
  • software solutions for energy optimisation of local electricity systems through energy forecasting and storage.

A wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF, Agregio is an aggregator directed at two types of customer: producers of renewable electricity (wind and solar power, etc.) and electricity consumers (industries, companies, etc.). For electricity producers, Agregio offers tailored solutions to optimise and sell their production on the markets and secure income over time. Agregio is also aimed at industrial and tertiary consumers, who are willing to reduce or shift their consumption in exchange for compensation, according to the needs of the electricity system.

Energy2market (e2m), is a company specialising in the aggregation of renewable production and local flexibilities. It manages and operates over 5,000 connected, decentralised energy production and flexibility sites (wind farms, solar farms, biomass plants, etc.) with total installed capacity of over 4GW. e2m also markets VirtualPower Plant operating and optimisation systems for its European customers.

At the end of 2020, EDF group is among the European leaders on these new markets, with 8GW of decentralised production/consumption assets and over 5,000 optimised decentralised assets. Gas activities

In Europe, the EDF group uses over 270TWh of gas. As such, EDF has developed agas strategy to ensure the security of gas supply for its more than 5.4 million customers (1), its cogeneration plants and its gas power plants.

Thus, EDF group is present on the natural gas market in France and across Europe, mainly through Edison in Italy, EDF Energy, and Luminus. Since 1 August 2017, Edison has become EDF group’s gas platform under a service agreement to manage assets and develop its upstream business (see section “Edison Strategy”). It also relies on EDF Trading for its short-term operations relating to transactions on the continental and United Kingdom wholesale markets, as well as on Dalkia (for cogeneration plants).

The optimisation of EDF SA’s LNG asset portfolio flexibility is being managed by JERAGlobal Markets, a joint venture between EDF Trading Limited (33.33%) and JERATrading International Pte (66.67%).

Lastly, the Group is present outside Europe, especially in the United States, where EDF Energy Services is an important natural gas supplier of major industrial customers and distributors. Natural gas end-market

In Europe, on 31 December 2020, the downstream customer portfolios were as follows:

  • France (EDF and ÉS): around 1.9 million customers (retail and key accounts) and about 33TWh volume sold;
  • Italy (Edison): around 0.9 million customers, and about 83TWh gas volume sold;
  • United Kingdom (EDF Energy)(2) : around 1.9 million customers and about 30TWh volume sold;
  • Belgium (Luminus): around 0.6 million customers and about 11TWh volume sold. Gas assets and projects Supply sources

In Europe, the Group’s gas and LNG supply comes from short- and medium-term gas markets and from a diversified portfolio of short-term and long-term contracts, originating from Qatar, Russia, United States, the North Sea and North Africa.

In the United States, the majority of the supplies originates from the gas markets.

In the rest of the world, specific contracts have been concluded to ensure the supply of the Group’s gas power plants.

(1) Customers are broken down by number of delivery points at end 2020.

(2) Excluding Northern Ireland.