Universal Registration Document 2020

1. The Group, its strategy and activities


Archipels develops digital trust services (document and data certification, probative value, etc.) based on a consortium blockchain infrastructure. This infrastructure certifies document origin, authenticity, and integrity. Archipels seeks to combat fraud, facilitate companies’ support for new customers, and cut costs relating to legally required “Know Your Customer” document verification. The offer is directed at professionals based in France and, ultimately, in Europe. EDF Pulse Croissance invested in Archipels in 2020 alongside Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, Docaposte, and Engie.


PowerUp is developing a solution to improve Lithium-ion battery performance, enabling batteries to last up to twice as long. PowerUp monitors batteries remotely, tracking their health and predicting their life expectancy. It then uses this data to manage battery charging management to preserve batteries and increase their lifespan. PowerUp’s solution is directed mainly at stationary storage use cases (e.g. backup batteries and autonomous fleet managers) that can be developed in partnership with R&D and CEA. In November 2020, EDF Pulse Croissance took out as take in PowerUp’s share capital alongside SuperNova Invest and business angels.This will help accelerate the development of EDF group’s storage solutions, thus contributing to the goals of EDF’s Storage Plan, launched in 2018.

Requests for proposals

EDF Pulse Croissance organises requests for proposals designed to promote startups,VSBs, and SMEs that are already established or maturing, working in innovative technologies, products, tools, and sets of solutions, and likely to contribute to the development of a new business line or sales offer. Selected in liaison with theGroup’s business lines and third-party experts, the winners receive support from theGroup and its partners to develop the innovative solution in question.

Since it was first set up, EDF Pulse Croissance has launched four requests for proposals:

  • in 2017, a request for proposals concerning international nuclear decommissioning put together with the Deconstruction and Waste ProjectDepartment (DP2D) identified a number of promising solutions, including Cyclife Digital Solutions (formerly Oreka Solutions), now a subsidiary of EDF group;
  • in 2018, two requests for proposals were organised with EDF’s DomesticCustomer Marketing Department in the field of support for elderly domestic customers (the silver economy) and home services. Two of the startups that won these requests for proposals benefit from EDF Pulse Croissance funding: Zenparkin 2018 and Securkeys in 2020;
  • in 2019, EDF Pulse Croissance launched a further request for proposals, this time in the realm of e-health, in partnership with AG2R La Mondiale, to identify innovative solutions in support of prevention, screening, and assistance with chronic diseases in the various living environments. In December 2019, the two innovative startups ExactCure and Pheal were rewarded. ExactCure received EDF Pulse Croissance funding to develop a personalised simulator for taking paracetamol during the Covid-19 crisis. Other service activities of the EDF group

Other subsidiaries within the EDF group complete the range of energy services thatEDF offers. These focus on specific areas, targeting different categories of customers (residentials, professionals, businesses and local authorities) and cover a wide range of activities including research, construction, equipment maintenance, investment financing and assistance with obtaining permits and subsidies.

Energy management

To help customers manage their energy and fluid consumption, the EDF group provides facility monitoring and management solutions. Its subsidiaries Netseenergy and Edelia are active in this strategic area.


A wholly-owned subsidiary of the EDF group specialising in energy intelligence for buildings and industrial processes, Netseenergy supports companies and local authorities in energy transition by providing technological and human resources throughout the energy management value chain in a variety of ways:

  • recovering multi-fluid consumption data (electricity, gas, water, etc.):instrumentation, metering, remote readings, invoice flow, etc.;
  • formatting retrieved data using iBoard, the online interface for tracking, analysing, and controlling B2B energy efficiency: Data Analytics (indicators, charts, aggregation), Reporting, Algorithms;
  • support for energy efficiency backed by a human energy manager (a consultancy service to accompany the iBoard solution offered to customers seeking ISO 50001 certification of their energy management systems).

Netseenergy processes almost 9 million items of data daily for a total of 20,000 sites, using bespoke solutions tailored to the needs of its customers: energy performance control, innovative energy audits, and more. A specialist in the IoT (Internet of Things), collecting data from 60,000 connected objects every day, Netseenergy provides energy management for total space of over 120 million square metres.

Edelia (EDEV Téléservices)

Edelia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF group that designs and implements solutions for individuals and businesses to monitor and control their energy consumption. Its online platform provides a range of innovative digital services to theEDF group customers. Edelia also offers modular tools based on the IoT that can be adapted to users’ own ecosystems, thus getting the most out of connected objects in smart homes and enhancing digital customer tools.

Connected home

A wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF group set up in 2016, Sowee is the only energy market player to combine energy sales with a Connected Station for domestic customers. The Connected Station provides both comfort and energy savings by remotely controlling domestic gas and electric heating, and simulating energy budgets on the basis of temperatures and real-time use. Daily routines are facilitated by the integration of Amazon Alexa in the Connected Station’s speaker base and the display of practical information such as indoor air quality, weather, journey times, etc.

Sowee has also joined forces with industrial players in the sector (Saunier Duval, Muller, Aldes, Delta Dore, and Daikin) to provide coordinated supervision of natively connected new equipment (boilers, ventilation, electric radiators, heat pumps, lighting, and roller shutters). In 2021, Sowee also launched a demand-side management option for owners of connected stations in its fleet.

Electric mobility

EDF group launched the Electric Mobility Plan (Plan Mobilité Électrique) inOctober 2018 (see section 1.3.2 “CAP 2030: strategic priorities”).


IZIVIA, a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF group, is a flagship player in the electric mobility market in France. IZIVIA provides charging solutions for electric vehicles targeted at local authorities, energy consortia, and businesses – and, sinceJanuary 2020, co-ownerships. IZIVIA makes its expertise available to customers through a full-service offering: supply and installation of charging stations, infrastructure supervision and maintenance, and service packages.

IZIVIA is the leader in public charging stations in France and one of the leaders on the business segment, operating over 10,000 public and private-sector charging points.In 2020, IZIVIA achieved significant wins on the local authority market (including theMObiVE network in Nouvelle Aquitaine and SIGEIF in Île-de-France), with companies(31 PSA sites across Europe), and for leading retail chains. In another development,IZIVIA IG, a wholly-owned subsidiary of IZIVIA, is aiming to equip 1,500 EDF group sites with charging stations by 2030.

Together with investment fund Demeter, IZIVIA is rolling out a network of 641 charging points in the 59 municipalities of the Metropolis of Lyon. This network is one of the most ambitious projects to roll out charging stations across an entire area in France to date. IZIVIA is also preparing to roll out a network of 300 fast charging stations located at high-traffic sites close to trunk roads.

To facilitate electric car journeys, in its capacity as a mobility operator, IZIVIA also offers a Pass coupled with a mobile app allowing users to recharge at over 100,000 charging points, with interoperability across France and the whole ofEurope.