Universal Registration Document 2020

1. The Group, its strategy and activities


Output(2)  (in TWH)


(in MW)

% Interest

Company-owned capacity
  (in MW) 



Calvert Cliffs 1

Calvert Cliffs 1



Calvert Cliffs 1



Calvert Cliffs 1



Calvert Cliffs 1

Output(2)  (in TWH)


Calvert Cliffs 2

Calvert Cliffs 2



Calvert Cliffs 2



Calvert Cliffs 2



Calvert Cliffs 2

Output(2)  (in TWH)


Nine Mile Point 1

Nine Mile Point 1



Nine Mile Point 1



Nine Mile Point 1



Nine Mile Point 1

Output(2)  (in TWH)


Nine Mile Point 2 (1) 

Nine Mile Point 2




Nine Mile Point 2




Nine Mile Point 2




Nine Mile Point 2


Output(2)  (in TWH)


RE Ginna

RE Ginna



RE Ginna



RE Ginna



RE Ginna

Output(2)  (in TWH)














Output(2)  (in TWH)



(1) CENG owns 82% of this unit (i.e. 1,056MW of the unit’s total capacity of 1,287MW). The 18% of Unit 2 of Nine Mile Point not owned by CENG belongs to the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA). LIPA receives 18% of the capacity and electricity generated by Nine Mile Point Unit 2, in consideration for payment to CENG of its share of the costs incurred by the unit, and is responsible for its 18% share of the costs of dismantling the unit. CENG and LIPA are each required to provide specific funding for Nine Mile Point 2.

(2) These values correspond to the sum of the exact values expressed to one decimal place after rounding.

 The principal competitors of CENG on this market are Entergy, AEP, Exelon, Dynegyand NRG.

Regulations of the State of New York

On 1 August 2016, the New York Public Service Commission (“NYPSC”) issued an order establishing the New York Clean Energy Standard, a component of which is aZero Emission Credit (“ZEC”) programme targeted at preserving the environmental attributes of zero-emissions nuclear-powered generating facilities that meet the criteria demonstrating public necessity as determined by the NYPSC to includeCENG’s Ginna, and Nine Mile Point nuclear facilities.

On 30 November 2016 (as amended on 13 January 2017), a group of parties filed aPetition in New York State court seeking to invalidate the ZEC program, which argued that the NYPSC did not have authority to establish the program, that it violated state environmental law and that it violated certain technical provisions of the State Administrative Procedures Act when adopting the ZEC program. On 22 January 2018, the court dismissed the environmental claims and the majority of the plaintiffs from the case but denied the motions to dismiss with respect to the remaining five plaintiffs and claims, without commenting on the merits of the case.

On 8 October 2019, the court dismissed all remaining claims. The petitioners filed a notice of appeal on 4 November 2019 and originally had until 4 May 2020 to file their brief. Due to Covid-19 related restrictions, the court extended the deadline to 29 July 2020. Petitioners did not file a brief by the deadline, so the case is deemed dismissed. Petitioners are permitted up to one year from 29 July 2020 to file a motion to vacate the dismissal if they can show good cause for the delay. Other activities in North America

See section “Optimization and trading: EDF Trading”.

See section “The activity of EDF Renewables”.

See section “Dalkia”.

For research and development, see section “EDF R&D partnerships”.

Citelum, an EDF subsidiary in the field of urban road and other public lighting, commenced the wind up and dissolution of its United States operations. As part of this process, effective 6 August 2020, Citelum transferred the assets of its business in Albuquerque, New Mexico to Dalkia Energy Solutions.

Operating in nuclear energy in the United States since the 1950s, Framatome holds a large share of the market, involved in providing power to some 36 million American households. Its mission consists in ensuring the maintenance and modernisation of the American nuclear plants in operation and providing it with the fuel required and supporting the potential construction of new plants (also see section“Activities related to nuclear generation: Framatome”). South America

In South America, the EDF group is present in the Brazilian and Chilean markets, and is extending its ambitions in certain countries in the region, in which it is prospecting for development opportunities. Brazil

Since April 2014, the Group has held 100% of EDF Norte Fluminense SA (EDF NF).EDF NF built and has operated, since the end of 2004, the Combined-Cycle Gas plant of Norte Fluminense, with installed capacity of 826MW, located in the region of Macaé, State of Rio de Janeiro. A 20-year Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for 725MW is in place with Light, the distribution company for the city of Rio de Janeiro.EDF NF supplies the equivalent of almost 25% (2,5 million of clients) of the electricity energy consumed in the Rio de Janeiro metropolitan area. The power plant’s generation in 2020 is 4.9TWh which represents a decrease of 17% comparing with year end 2019. When Brazil’s market conditions and electricity grid permit, the remaining balance is sold on the spot market.

In addition, on 11 December 2014, through its subsidiary EDF Norte Fluminense, EDF acquired a 51% stake in Sinop Energia, responsible for building, maintaining and operating the Sinop hydropower plant with an installed capacity of 402MW, supplying the equivalent of 50% of the State of Mato Grosso (1,6 million clients). The commercial commissioning was authorized by ANEEL (Brazil Regulatory Agency) on 17 September 2019 for the first turbine and 18 October 2019 for the second turbine.

Since the reservoir was impounded, several fish mortality events have been observed downstream of the dam. They have been the subject of in-depth studies by two groups of independent experts in France and Brazil, who have concluded, among other things, that (i) the water quality in the reservoir is not to blame, (ii) this phenomenon does not occur during normal operation of the plant but is essentially linked to the use of the spillways, which in particular generate gaseous supersaturation phenomena. This phenomenon is rare but occurs on other sites around the world, including in Brazil. The expert groups made several recommendations that are currently being implemented, such as the operating procedures for spillways and the implementation of devices to keep fish away from spillways and other risk areas.

In the first quarter of 2018, EDF NF won the call for tenders as the contractor to operate and maintain the Sinop Energia plant. These O&M activities will be remotely performed from Macaé (2,500km away from Sinop), starting from the end of 2021, thanks to innovative technologies being implemented by EDF NF.

In line with the CAP 2030 strategic plan, the EDF Renewables subsidiary is accelerating its development in Latin America and notably in Brazil with a portfolio of:

  • 398.5MW of solar energy from Pirapora power plant (one of the largest solar power plant of South America located at Minas Gerais State);
  • 329MW of wind energy in operation and 379MW under construction in the state of Bahia.