EDF group has operations in Russia in energy services through the Dalkia subsidiary Dalkia Rus (see section “Dalkia”) and through its Moscow-based representation office EDF Russia, which reports to the International Division and is in charge of the promotion and development of the Group’s business and new activities in energy transition in Russia and the CIS.
At 31 December 2020, EDF International SAS held 31.48% of the share capital of Elcogas, a company owing a 320MW ICCG (Integrated Combined-Cycle Gasification) power plant, alongside Endesa Generación (40.99%), Iberdrola Generación (12.0%), and EDP (8.54%). As the profitability of the power plant was no longer assured, it was disconnected from the network in 2016 and its dismantling was initiated. In2017, Elcogas agreed to sell land and facilities to Ence, a pulp manufacturer. The Shareholders’ Meeting on 13 May 2019 resolved to dissolve the company and place it in liquidation.
The Group is also present on the Spanish market through Fenice’s local subsidiary (EDF Fenice Ibérica, see section “Italy”) and Citelum (see section“Citelum”).
EDF Trading operates in this market from its trading platform in London (see section “Optimisation and trading: EDF Trading”).
Framatome Spain is active in Spain through various engineering and maintenance contracts with firms that own nuclear reactors.
Since 2015, EDF Invest has held a minority stake in Madrileña Red de Gas, the operator of the main gas distribution network in the Madrid region.
EDF also operates through its Madrid-based representation office EDF Peninsula Iberica, which reports to the International Division and is in charge of the promotion and development of the Group’s business and new activities in energy transition in Spain and Portugal.
The EDF group operates throughout the North American continent, with a strong presence in the United States.
It has more than 9.51GW of gross installed capacity in North America. It also manages, on behalf of third parties, around 40.5GW of installed capacity under operation and maintenance or optimisation services contracts.
EDF’s activities in North America mainly include:
On 6 November 2009, the EDF group and CEG established CENG. Since the merger between Exelon and CEG, EDF and Exelon respectively hold 49.99% and 50.01% ofCENG. EDF and Exelon signed an agreement in 2014 to transfer the operating licenses for the CENG power plants to Exelon, under which Exelon manages the operational activities of the three CENG nuclear sites (5 reactors).
As part of the agreement, CENG paid EDF $400 million in exceptional dividends and EDF obtained an option to sell its CENG shares to Exelon between 1 January 2016 and 30 June 2022. On 20 November 2019, EDF initiated the put procedure by notifying Exelon of its intention to the exercise of the put option(1). The disposal price of the shares will be based on a determination of their fair value, pursuant to the contractual provisions in the put option agreement. Completion of the transaction is subject to obtaining the necessary regulatory approval from the New York Public Service Commission (NY PSC). The Federal Energy Regulation Commission (FERC) approved the transaction on 30 July 2020.
CENG’s governance is provided by a Board of Directors composed of ten members ,five of whom are appointed by the EDF group and five others, including the President, by Exelon.
CENG’s nuclear business is under the regulatory jurisdiction of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).
CENG operates five nuclear reactors, spread across three operating sites and representing a combined capacity of 4,272MW. The duration of licences for Units 1and 2 of Calvert Cliffs, Unit 1 and 2 of Nine Mile Point and RE Ginna is 60 years.
(1) See EDF's press release dated 20 November 2019 "EDF notifies the exercise of its put option on its participation in CENG".