Universal Registration Document 2020

1. The Group, its strategy and activities

As part of the Group’s CAP 2030 strategic plan, Luminus has the ambition of developing its wind farm fleet and accelerating the deployment of its energy services in order to provide its customers with innovative and sustainable solutions, whilst pursuing its objective of reducing costs and rationalising its thermo-electrical generation fleet.

Luminus owns 10.2% (419MW) of Belgium’s Tihange 2 and 3 nuclear power plants (commissioned in 1983 and 1985 respectively) and the Doel 3 and 4 plants (commissioned in 1982 and 1985 respectively), which have a lifespan of 40 years.

Luminus also has 100MW drawing rights on the French Chooz B nuclear power plant, based on a band of guaranteed output according to the average availability of the French fleet.

Apart from the drawing rights in the nuclear fleet, Luminus also possesses a thermal fleet comprising several power plants (combined cycles and open cycles) for an installed capacity of 1,208MW.

The Seraing steam gas turbine met its strategic reserve obligation for the period from November 2017 to the end of October 2018. It is now back on the market.

Luminus also operates in renewable energy. The company operates 7 hydropower plants, and as of the end of 2020 owns 70 onshore wind farms, with a total of238 turbines across Wallonia and Flanders. Since the end of 2015, the company has been the leader in onshore wind farms in Belgium and has an installed capacity of588MW at the end of 2020. In 2020, Luminus erected 22 wind turbines for a total capacity of 70MW.

Under its “Luminus” brand, EDF Luminus supplies electricity and gas to around1.6 million residential and business customers (number of delivery points) in Belgium.The company is involved in the energy services segment for residential customers through its subsidiaries Rami Services, Dauvister, Leenen, and Insaver, mainly by providing boiler installation and maintenance, installing solar panels, and providing“Home Assistance” services in the event of unexpected damage at home. At the end of 2020, the B2C portfolio for these last three services exceeded 165,000 contracts thanks to bundle sales through Luminus website.

For its industrial customers, Luminus together with ATS, Vanparijs, Dauvister and Newelec, offers comprehensive integrated electricity and heating solutions. In addition, its subsidiary Luminus Solutions (in which Luminus and Dalkia own a 51%and 49% stake respectively) provides energy efficiency services for administrative buildings, hospitals, schools, sports facilities, swimming pools and apartment complexes on the basis of an energy performance contract.

In 2019 and 2020, Luminus continued its strategy of expansion into energy services, broadening its presence upstream in the value chain with the acquisition of design firm De Klerk Engineering and ERVAC (via Newelec), specialising in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning control (HVAC). ATS continued with organic andnon-organic growth in existing fields, acquiring Censatach, Elektriek, CDLEngineering, Elektrotech VVV, and Westelec).


In Belgium, renovation work on the LED lights on Wallonia’s motorway network has continued. In 2020, several use cases for smart lighting have been implemented with the installation of various traffic and detection sensors, as well as an interface with the centralised remote management system based on MUSE®. The 20-year PPP agreement for the design, modernisation, funding, management, and maintenance of100,000 lights was awarded to the LuWa consortium (comprising Citelum (lead contractor), Luminus, CFE, and DIF) in 2019. Ultimately, this will result in 76% energy savings, avoiding the equivalent of 166,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions.

The Netherlands

Through a joint venture, Sloe Centrale BV, the EDF group and PZEM Group (formerlyDelta) (each holding 50%) own an 870MW CCGT power plant in the southwest of the Netherlands, whose two 435MW units were commissioned in 2009. Thanks to its excellent technical performance, further enhanced by recent innovations and optimised renegotiation of the maintenance agreement with Siemens (LTSA), the Sloepower plant was brought into service for 4,896 hours between the start of the year and the end of September 2020. The service factor amounted to some 70%, more than 6 percentage points higher than the average calculated for the last two years for the same period (59.2% in 2018 and 68.4% in 2019).

Sloe Centrale BV continues to develop its CSR programme and improve the working conditions of its employees, as well as aligning with the Group’s mobility programme and investigating new technological solutions to lower its carbon footprint, thus remaining an active player in energy transition.


EDF has had operations in Germany for over 25 years. With some 4,200 employees and more than 100 researchers, EDF group has a large number of activities inGermany, in particular in renewable energy, energy services, and innovation. EDF offers sustainable business models and innovative energy solutions, calling on the expertise and knowhow of EDF group and its subsidiaries.

EDF supports and contributes to energy transition in Germany, which draws extensively on renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart energy systems, and other innovative energy solutions.

EDF group entities operating in Germany
  • EDF Deutschland GmbH, a wholly-owned subsidiary of EDF International SAS based in Berlin, is in charge of the Group’s activities in Germany. It focuses on the promotion and development of the Group’s business, in particular new business models for energy and innovative solutions to support energy transition inGermany (Energiewende). EDF Deutschland also represents the Group in leadingGerman political and economic circles.
  • In 2020 Hynamics, a new subsidiary in the Group in charge of putting forward an effective low-carbon hydrogen offering for industry and mobility, set up its German subsidiary, Hynamics Deutschland GmbH. This is part of a consortium of ten partners contributing to the “Reallabor Westküste 100” project. This consists in creating a regional industrial ecosystem in northern Germany focusing on hydrogen production from renewable energy, notably using the installation of a30MW electrolyser for the Heide refinery(1). The partners are studying thepossibility of installing additional electrolyser capacity in this region within the next 5 years, aiming at the symbolic figure of 700MW.
  • Including the installed capacity of Futuren in Germany, EDF Renewables had187MW of gross installed wind power capacity at 31 December 2020, and operated 400MW of onshore wind power capacity.
  • EDF Distributed Solutions is an EDF storage offering for industrial clients, deployed only in Germany and based on the peak-shaving model. This EDF Renewables subsidiary owns and operates 400kW of electricity storage systems, divided between two industrial sites.
  • EDF group owns 100% of the share capital of the German companyEnergy2market (e2m), specialising in the aggregation of renewable production and local flexibility (see section “EDF group’s other service activities”).
  • Based in Erlangen (Bavaria), Framatome Gmbh has 3,400 employees, making Framatome’s subsidiary the second largest engineering concern in the world. Its main business is maintaining, prolonging and upgrading nuclear plants all over the world (especially Instrumentation & Control systems). It is also involved in the building of EPRs in France, Finland, China and the UK. Framatome is also active in electricity and hydrogen storage in Germany. Framatome’s other German subsidiary, Advanced Nuclear Fuels GmbH (ANF), makes fuel assemblies for PWRs(pressurised water reactors) and BWRs (boiling water reactors) in Germany and Western Europe and has 430 employees in Lingen (head office) and Karlstein.
  • Metroscope also operates in Germany, which is at the heart of its development strategy. This subsidiary of EDF Pulse Croissance develops AI for industrial assetMOC. Based in Berlin, Metroscope seeks to improve the performance of German electricity generation plants.
  • Since July 2020, Urbanomy has been deploying specific resources for its development in Germany, working out of EDF Deutschland GmbH’s premises inBerlin. Urbanomy offers consultancy in urban & energy planning using virtualisation and decision support solutions.
  • EDF Trading actively participates on commodities market in Germany, especially the intraday and gas markets.

(1) See the EDF press release dated 5 August 2020 “Green light for green hydrogen. The German Federal Ministry of the Economy approves the funding of theWestküste100 project”.