Universal Registration Document 2020

1. The Group, its strategy and activities Gas business

For the implementation of its gas strategy, the EDF group, through Edison, benefits from experience along the entire value chain of natural gas.

Edison’s Italian gas supply portfolio is based mainly on a series of long-term agreements. As of the end of 2020, these covered approximately 12.3 billion cubic metres of imports via gas pipelines and LNG from Libya, Qatar and Algeria, and 4.4 billion cubic metres bought on the market or produced in Italy or abroad by E&P.

In 2020, total sales of gas in Italy amounted to 16.6 billion cubic metres (compared with 20.0 billion cubic metres in 2019). Edison delivered 5.2 billion cubic metres of gas to the industrial sector, 2.1 billion cubic metres to the domestic sector, 5.7 billion cubic metres to the thermoelectric sector (including Edison’s own requirements),3.5 billion cubic metres on the wholesale market, and 0.1 billion cubic metres of sales of production abroad.

With the goal of increasing its competitiveness and reinforcing the gas supply system in Italy following the TAP gas pipeline coming on stream, in 2021 Edison should begin to import one billion cubic metres of gas per year from Azerbaijan under a25-year contract. Edison has signed a new contract for one million cubic metres of gas from Russia for 2021.

On 17 December 2020, Edison announced the disposal of its oil & gas exploration and production activities to Energean, excluding Algeria and Norway. The value of the assets disposed of amounts to $284 million, with a positive effect on Edison’s net financial position in 2020 of around $230 million, plus a net cash surplus generated between 1 January 2019 and the date when the disposal agreement was entered into. The agreement provides for a subsequent price supplement of up to$100 million after the start of gas production at the Cassiopea gas field.

On 30 December 2020, Edison announced the signature of the agreement with Sval Energi for the disposal of 100% of Edison Norge AS, which owns the oil & gas exploration and production business located in Norway. The agreement was determined on the basis of an enterprise value of $300 million on 1 January 2020. The impact on Edison’s net financial position is currently estimated as being appreciably higher than this value.

Gas infrastructures

Edison contributes to the development of gas import infrastructure projects (see section “Infrastructures”) through IGI Poseidon, in which Edison owns a50% stake. IGI Poseidon is promoting the following three projects:

  • Eastmed, an interconnection between Greece and the eastern Mediterranean which will provide direct access to gas resources in the eastern Mediterranean(Israel, Cyprus), connecting them to Greece. The project is still in the pre-development stage;
  • Poseidon, an interconnection between Greece and Italy, which will allow gas resources to be transferred from Greece to Italy by connecting to Eastmed. The project is still in the pre-development stage;
  • IGB, a gas pipeline belonging to ICGB, in a 50/50 partnership with BulgarianEnergy Holding, connecting Greece and Bulgaria. The gas pipeline, now over 20%complete, will be 182km long and have a transmission capacity of 3 billion cubic metres per year.

These projects are among the European Commission’s Projects of Common Interest, and benefit from EU aid: IGB has received €84 million for its construction and Eastmed will receive a matching contribution covering 50% of its development costs.

Edison also has the right of use of 80% of the Rovigo offshore regasification terminal’s capacity (6.4 billion cubic metres per year) where LNG imported from Qatar with Ras Laffan Liquified Natural Gas Company Limited II (RasGas II) is regasified.

Concerning LNG, since 2018 Edison has been engaged in the “small-scale LNG transportation” project for the development of an LNG marketing supply chain, with the aim of helping to reduce emissions by maritime and road transport. During the first phase, the project comprises the construction by Depositi Italiani GNL (in whichEdison owns a 30% stake(1)) of an onshore depot at the port of Ravenna where theLNG will be stored at a small, dedicated LNG terminal. The facility, now 80%complete, will have a capacity of over 1 million cubic metres of LNG per year (Edison will have right of use to 85% of its capacity) and will be able to supply LNG to12,000 trucks and up to 48 ferries.

In October 2020, Edison and Kuwait Petroleum Italia (Q8) presented a joint project for the construction of an onshore deport at the port of Naples. This project is still in the pre-development stage. Sales and marketing

In 2020, Edison sold 30.3TWh of electricity in Italy (compared with 31.2TWh in 2019,i.e. down 2.6%), of which 18.1TWh were generated(2) and 12.2TWh were purchased on the markets. Sales to end customers amounted to 15.5TWh, up 4.3% compared to 2019, thanks to the increase in volumes agreed during the previous sales campaign. This increase was partly offset by a drop in consumption, in particular in the industrial sector, due to the enforcement of lockdown caused by the health crisis.

At the end of 2020, Edison was serving around 1.53 million customers in electricity and gas, in the business and domestic segments.

Development of marketing continues to be a priority for Edison, being seen as a foundational business to support expansion into the field of energy services and renewable production. During recent years, the company has reinforced its innovative services platform for domestic customers with a full range of household products: domestic appliance maintenance and home insurance (through Assistenza Casa, wholly owned by Edison), domestic solar power and electric mobility and home services; the most recent launch is “Edison Risolve” with a laundry service, home cleaning, building renovation advice, etc.

To strengthen customer relations, Edison operates across Italy with 613 sales outlets(3). Furthermore, in 2020, the company strengthened its position in digital sales to rise to the challenges of the health crisis. In parallel, Edison intends to maintain its position as a leader in the business-customer market by developing an advisory approach in energy as well as innovative products and services made possible by market and regulatory changes. As in the domestic segment, B2B customers can benefit from an environmentally-friendly offering combining solar power, batteries, and the use of electric vehicles.

The improvement of the sales and customer-service processes conducted in recent years won Edison third place in the national “Altroconsumo” ranking, a consumer association that is very popular in Italy. Growing customer satisfaction, combined with the development of low-carbon offers and value-added services targeted by segment should strengthen ties with the end market and increase the customer base. Energy services

Edison develops, sells and manages energy and environmental services via a dedicated business unit called “Energy Services Market Division” (ESMD).

The solutions on offer are dedicated to the development of energy efficiency projects aimed at major industrial customers, businesses, and public administrations, growing sectors in which the Division is seeking to consolidate its position. The offer available to customers also includes help with complying with environmental standards on their sites, as well as environmental services offered by the Sersys Ambiente subsidiary (consultancy, wastewater treatment, sampling and analysis of environmental matrices, waste disposal, and industrial cleaning).

The business models are adjusted to customer requirements: the Division designs, builds, and manages assets for its customers, including cogeneration/tri-generation plants, solar power installations, substations, thermal power plants for industrial use, cold production plants, compressed air plants, fluid distribution systems (electricity, gas, hot and refrigerated air, compressed air, industrial gas, water) and industrial water treatment plants. The range of services is completed by a consulting activity in terms of energy, management of environmental securities and internal and external training for customers and partners.

(1) A 19% stake is held by Scale Gas Solutions (a company controlled by Enagas), and a further 51% stake by Petrolifera Italiana Rumena.

(2) Production data calculated in line with consolidation criteria.

(3) Only a small part of which is owned by Edison.