Universal Registration Document 2020

8. Additional information

Corporate Government/Corporate OfficersSection including elements contained in the report on corporate governanceReference textsURD Sections
3.18. Method of Executive Management

3.18. Method of Executive Management

Reference texts

Article L. 225-37-4, 4


of the French Commercial Code

3.18. Method of Executive Management

URD Sections

Sections 4.2.2 and4.3.1

3.19. Membership, conditions for the preparation and organisation of the Board of Directors’ work

3.19. Membership, conditions for the preparation and organisation of the Board of Directors’ work

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-10, 1


of the French Commercial Code

3.19. Membership, conditions for the preparation and organisation of the Board of Directors’ work

URD Sections

Section 4.2

3.20. Principle of balanced representation of women and men on the Board of Directors

3.20. Principle of balanced representation of women and men on the Board of Directors

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-10, 2


of the French Commercial Code

3.20. Principle of balanced representation of women and men on the Board of Directors

URD Sections


3.21. Limits placed by the Board on the powers of the Chief Executive Officer

3.21. Limits placed by the Board on the powers of the Chief Executive Officer

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-10, 3


of the French Commercial Code

3.21. Limits placed by the Board on the powers of the Chief Executive Officer

URD Sections

Sections 4.2.2 and7.2.9

3.22. Reference to the Corporate Governance Code and implementation of the “comply or explain” principle

3.22. Reference to the Corporate Governance Code and implementation of the “comply or explain” principle

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-10, 4


of the French Commercial Code

3.22. Reference to the Corporate Governance Code and implementation of the “comply or explain” principle

URD Sections

Section 4.1

3.23. Specific procedures relating to the participation of shareholders in the Shareholders’ Meeting

3.23. Specific procedures relating to the participation of shareholders in the Shareholders’ Meeting

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-10, 5


of the French Commercial Code

3.23. Specific procedures relating to the participation of shareholders in the Shareholders’ Meeting

URD Sections

Section 7.2.8

3.24. Evaluation procedure for current agreements – Implementation

3.24. Evaluation procedure for current agreements – Implementation

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-10, 6of the French Commercial Code

3.24. Evaluation procedure for current agreements – Implementation

URD Sections

Section 7.5.3

3.25. Information likely to have an impact in the event of a takeover bid or exchange offer

3.25. Information likely to have an impact in the event of a takeover bid or exchange offer

Reference texts

Article L. 22-10-11of the French Commercial Code

3.25. Information likely to have an impact in the event of a takeover bid or exchange offer

URD Sections

Sections 7.2 and 7.3

8.4.4 Concordance table with the statement of non-financial performance

This Universal Registration Document includes the statement of non-financial performance for the 2020 fiscal year prepared in accordance with Articles L. 22-10-36 and R. 225-105 of the French Commercial Code.

Thus, to the extent necessary to understand the Company’s position, the evolution of its business, its economic and financial results and the impact of its activity, the Statement of Non Financial Statement (DPEF) presents information on how the Company and the Group take into account the social and environmental consequences of their activities, as well as the effects of these activities on respect for human rights and the fight against corruption and tax evasion.

The DPEF is hence made up of the sections of the Universal Registration Document identified in the table below:

 TopicsReference textsURD Sections



Business model


Reference texts

Article L. 233-13 of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Sections 1.1 and1.4




Description of the main risks relating to the activity of the Company or the Group, including – if relevant and proportionate – risks due to its business relationships, products or services


Reference texts

Article L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, I. 1


of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Chapter 3and Section 2.2




Information on how the Company or Group takes into account the social and environmental consequences of its activity, and the effects of this activity in terms of respect for human rights and the fight against corruption (description of the policies applied and due diligence procedures implemented to prevent, identify and mitigate the main risks related to the Company’s or Group’s activity)


Reference texts

Article L. 225-102-1, III, R. 225-104 and R. 225-105, I. 1


of the French Commercial Code


URD Sections

Chapter 3




Results of the policies applied by the Company or Group, including key performance indicatorsHigh-stake CSR topics from the materiality matrix


Reference texts

Article L. 225-102-1 and R. 225-105, I. 3


of the French Commercial CodeKey performance indicators


URD Sections

Chapter 3




Carbon trajectory


Reference texts

EDF group direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1) √


URD Sections

Section 3.1.1


Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions due to electrical generation


Section 3.1.1


Installed net renewable electricity generating capacities


Section 3.1.1




Carbon offsetting


Reference texts

Qualitative evaluation


URD Sections





Adapting to climate change


Reference texts

Qualitative evaluation


URD Sections

Section 3.1.2




Developping electricity use and energy services


Reference texts

Number of smart meters installed


URD Sections

Section 3.1.4




EDF group’s Electric Vehicles rate in the fleet of light vehicles


Reference texts

Section 3.1.4






Reference texts

Achievement rate of Group commitments under the "Act4nature international" scheme


URD Sections

Section 3.2.1






Reference texts

Qualitative evaluation


URD Sections

Section 3.2.2






Reference texts

Water intensity: water consumed/electricity generated by fleet


URD Sections

Section 3.2.3




Radioactive waste – Circular economy


Reference texts

France: volume of long-lived high and intermediate level solid radioactive waste


URD Sections

Section 3.2.4


UK: volume of low level radioactive solid waste generated


Section 3.2.4