Universal Registration Document 2020

8.1 Person responsible for the Universal Registration Document and the Certification

8. Additional information

8.1 Person responsible for the Universal Registration Document and the Certification

8.1 Person responsible for the Universal Registration Document and the Certification

8.1.1 Person responsible for the Universal Registration Document

Jean-Bernard Lévy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF.

8.1.2 Certification from the person responsible for the 2020 Universal Registration Document containing the annual financial report

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained in this Universal Registration Document accurately reflects the facts and contains no omission likely to affect its meaning.

I certify that, to the best of my knowledge, the financial statements are prepared in accordance with accounting standards and that they give a true and fair view of the assets and liabilities, financial position and the income of the Company and of all the companies included in the consolidation, and that the management report included in this document presents a true and fair view of the business trends, income and financial position of the Company and of all the companies included in the consolidation and a description of the main risks and uncertainties they face.

Jean-Bernard Lévy,

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF

8.2 Auditors – Statutory Auditors

Deloitte & Associés

6, Place de la Pyramide, 92908 Paris – La Défense Cedex, represented by Mr Damien Leurent and Mr Christophe Patrier.


Tour EQHO, 2, avenue Gambetta, CS 60055, 92066 Paris – La Défense Cedex, represented by Mr Jay Nirsimloo and Mr Michel Piette.

The Statutory Auditors were initially appointed by decision of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 6 June 2005 for a period of six fiscal years expiring at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting ruling on the financial statements covering the fiscal year closing 31 December 2010.

Their terms of office were renewed by a decision of the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of 24 May 2011 until the Shareholders’ Meeting ruling on the financial statements for the fiscal year ended 31 December 2016 then again by the Combined Shareholders’ Meeting of 18 May 2017 for a further period of six fiscal years expiring at the end of the Shareholders’ Meeting ruling on the financial statements covering the fiscal year closing 31 December 2022.

The aforementioned Statutory Auditors consequently certified the financial statements reproduced in this Universal Registration Document.