Universal Registration Document 2020

7.4 Market for the Company’s shares

7. General information about the Company and its capital

7.4 Market for the Company’s shares

In addition, throughout the year, senior management and the Financial Communications Department participated in meetings with the financial community (financial analysts and institutional investors) in the form of conference calls and roadshows. The Financial Communications Department also maintains ongoing exchanges with analysts to discuss their models and Group news.

Relations with individual shareholders

Since 2006, EDF has had a Shareholders’ Consultative Committee made up of 10 members representative of the diversity of EDF’s shareholder base and a Shareholders’ Club, which offers visits to industrial sites as well as meetings to present the EDF group. EDF also has an EDF shareholder Facebook page to relay information directly to its shareholders.

A dedicated space exists on the Company’s website edf.fr and provides shareholders with all the information they need for quality shareholder dialogue.

The Shareholders’ General Meeting can be accessed remotely in real time, then replayed and a report of the proceedings is published in a special Shareholders’.

Newsletter. Shareholders may also contact the Company through a toll-free number or a dedicated e-mail address.

EDF has always paid great attention to the quality of dialogue with its shareholders and has endeavoured to provide them with innovative methods of communication.

EDF thus offered its shareholders new online content in the form of short educational videos. They are available in French and English, accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people, showing EDF’s capacity to adapt during the health crisis to offer new digital communication tools.

7.4 Market for the Company’s shares

The Company’s shares have been listed for trading by Euronext Paris (Compartment A) since 21 November 2005, under ISIN code FR 0010242511, Reuters code (EDF. PA) and Bloomberg code (EDF: FP).

The following graph shows the changes in the Company’s share price between 21 November 2005 and 31 December 2020 (base index 100 as at 21 November 2005):

This graph shows the EDF share price at the end of December since its listing on the stock market in November 2005 until today, with a comparison with the CAC 40 and Stoxx 600 utilities prices.In November 2005, on a base of 100, all prices start at 100. The variations are more marked for the EDF share price, which breaks away from the other two curves between December 2007 and December 2008, reaching a high of 250 in December 2007 (the other curves are between 100 and 150).then from December 2014, the curve stands out because it moves below the other curves, between 50 and 70 (base 100). The other curves are rather between 90 and 130. In December 2020, the EDF curve is around 50 while the other curves maintain their positions between 100 and 130.


CAC 40