Universal Registration Document 2020

6. Financial statements

For the estimation of the avoided CO2 emissions

  • understanding and considering the methodology used to estimate the avoided CO2 emissions;
  • verifying the compliance, in all material respects, of the methods used to estimate the CO2 emissions avoided by the Eligible Projects financed during the period with the methodology described in the section “Impact of financed Eligible Projects” of the attached document;
  • verifying the consistency of the information related to the estimation of the electricity output as well as the choice of emission factors used (based on the calculation of the emission factors of the applicable electrical grids where the projects are located and the choice of emission factors by energy production technology), it being specified that there is no single framework defining a methodology for the calculation of avoided CO2 emissions.

On the basis of our work, we have no matters to report on:

  • the compliance with the four components of the Green Bond Principles of the International Capital Market Association;
  • the compliance, in all material respects, of the Eligible Projects referred to in the attached document, with the eligibility criteria, as defined in the Final Terms and in the EDF Green Bond Framework;
  • the tracking of the funds raised from the Green Bond Offerings, in a dedicated portfolio of financial assets, to the allocation of such proceeds to Eligible Projects and the consistency of the amount of allocated funds to Eligible Projects as at 31 December 2020 in the context of the Green Bond Offerings, with the accounting records and data underlying the accounting records;
  • the compliance, in all material respects, of the methods used by the Company to estimate the CO2 emissions avoided by the Eligible Projects financed as at 31 December 2020 with the methodology described in the section “Impact of financed Eligible Projects” of the attached document.

This attestation has been prepared solely for your attention within the context described above and may not be used, distributed or referred to for any other purpose.

Paris La Défense, 15 March 2021

One of the statutory auditors
Deloitte & Associés
Christophe Patrier Partner