Universal Registration Document 2020

1. The Group, its strategy and activities

Features and services

In parallel with its supply offers, EDF assists its Domestic customers so they can monitor and understand their energy use, encouraging them to make energy savings using "Mes Éco et Moi" digital solutions(1). Customers who consult their energy use tracking tool more than 2-3 times a month can achieve savings of up to 12% on their bills(2).

EDF, in partnership with AXA, offers a comprehensive range of support services, called "Solution Dépannage Confiance" with three rapid repair options applying to external electricity and gas installations (electricity & gas option), electricity, gas & water installations and plumbing/locksmith problems (home option) and equipment(equipment option). Also in partnership with AXA, EDF offers "Assurénergi" which allows customers to benefit from a flat rate reimbursement to enable them to pay their energy bills in the event of difficulties (loss of employment, inability to work, hospitalisation, invalidity or death).

For general information about the help provided to customers during the health crisis, see “EDF, a responsible business during the sanitary crisis” in the introduction to chapter 3.

Launched by EDF in 2019, the local services platform IZI by EDF emerged in 2020 asa player in energy renovation and electric mobility, in particular following the buyout(at the end of 2019) and subsequent integration of mychauffage.com. In addition to the offers developed in 2019 (emergency repairs, minor works, indoor renovations, and boiler maintenance), IZI by EDF now has a turnkey energy renovation offer focusing on heating solutions (heat pumps and boilers), insulation, ventilation, and window installation (including calculation and deduction of all regulatory aid from the customer quote), as well as a finance solution and a strong commitment to quality.

IZI by EDF also offers a full-service solution to transition to electric mobility, including the installation of a home charging station, green electricity supply with " VertÉlectrique Auto ", the "pass mobilité" (operated by IZIVIA) mobility pass to recharge anywhere in Europe, and electric vehicle leasing. See also section “Other service activities of the EDF group” – “IZI by EDF”.

As part of the "Coup de Pouce Chauffage" (3) scheme, EDF launched in January 2019its " Mon chauffage durable " offer, to finance replacing ageing heating systems by more efficient ones. This may involve replacing a legacy fossil fuel-fired boiler (gas, fuel) with a heat pump, or replacing last-generation radiators with environmentally efficient models. This offer goes further than the state scheme, offering a complementary bonus. Households may also benefit from preferential rate financing up to 0% rate, provided by EDF’s financial partner, covering entire cost of the project (4).

EDF helps its consumers access household appliances with good environmental performance in a partnership with Samsung. In 2020, this enabled over 4,000 customers to benefit from an EDF promotional code on over 5,000 products.

In May 2020, EDF launched "Check", a smartphone-based removals assistant. Check is a web-based app that is as easy to use as any standard app, providing users with a personalised checklist to ensure nothing is forgotten, facilitating hassle-free removals, and offering advice for a successful house move. Customers who take out an energy contract with EDF also have access to special offers negotiated with leading partners in the removals business, household appliances, decoration, and building works.

Lastly, EDF is investing in open innovation with "EDF Pulse & You", a digital collaborative platform for co-construction with internet users and startups. In particular, the platform allows connected objects to be co-built, application interfaces to be improved, and social acceptability of soft mobility to be accelerated, optimising the wellbeing of tomorrow’s users amid energy transition.

Earning of energy savings certificates (CEE)

Implemented in 2006, the energy savings certificates (CEEs) scheme was amended on1 January 2018. The national obligation for the fourth period (2018-2020) was fixed at 1,600TWhc, of which 400TWhc for households in a situation of energy poverty. The Decree no. 2019-1320 of 9 December 2019 extended the fourth period from three to four years, increasing the obligation proportionally to the duration, i.e. 2,133TWhp for the 2018-2021 period.

EDF is of necessity an actor in energy savings certificate legislation, and encourages domestic customers to make energy savings, particularly by promoting home energy renovation through its Energy Savings Partners and distributor networks. All residential customers who made energy efficiency alterations to their home qualify fora direct cash bonus from EDF by visiting www.prime-energie.edf.fr , subject toproviding the information and documents required pursuant to the CEE regulation inforce.

Solidarity policy

Solidarity is a core value of EDF, which has been pursuing a policy dedicated to economically disadvantaged customers for close on 30 years (see section 3.3.4.“Energy poverty and social innovation”). Business customers
EDF and business customers

EDF is firmly rooted in local territories and is committed alongside its Business andLocal Authority customers to hastening the achievement of their aims in sustainable performance, competitiveness, and carbon neutrality. EDF innovates to serve its customers and uphold high standards of quality and reliability, both in the public interest and to secure its stakeholders’ long-term trust.

EDF products

EDF offers a range of competitive and low-carbon electricity and gas supply offers tocompanies and professionals, geared to each customer’s expectations and types ofenergy use.

For small businesses and professionals, EDF provides straightforward contracts combined with management services, enabling customers to focus on the business whilst optimising their energy supply. For those customers using more energy, contracts can be personalised (with specific durations and fixed or indexed prices)based on their expectations and budget forecasting capabilities. Lastly, EDF is able to tailor solutions for the heaviest users depending on the structure of their consumption.

EDF structures its products to encourage its customers to optimise consumption according to generation costs by offering different prices for peak hours and off-peak hours and even summer and winter prices for heavier users during these times of year. This year, EDF also launched an innovative offer for professionals with low prices during evenings after 8pm, at weekends, and on public holidays, using the potential offered by smart meters.

EDF offers all its customers across all its products the option to choose electricity from renewable sources to cover their consumption. For small and medium sized enterprises and professionals, it involves a specific offer, the renewable energy contract, which provides guarantees that 100% of their consumption will come from electricity generated from renewable energy sources and facilitates their communication with their own customers regarding their commitment. For larger customers, it involves an option that allows them to decide themselves what proportion of their consumption will come from guaranteed sources, between 20% and 100%.

EDF has a diversified range of solutions and services intended for all its electricity and gas customers, whether small companies or large industrial customers: onlineconsumption monitoring, electronic invoices, assistance and troubleshooting, advice(optimisation of subscribed power, efficiency and reduction of energy expenses, etc.),in particular for customers who want to use an energy management system.

(1) Available via the website customer space and the “EDF and Me” application.

(2) Internal survey, EDF R&D.

(3) The initiative was launched on 14 January 2019..

(4) Subject to using one of EDF’s 2,000 Energy Savings Partners and to examination and acceptance by EDF’s financial partners Domofinance.