In 2020, actuarial gains and losses on post-employment benefits and other long-term employee benefits amount to €(3,439) million (€(146) million for long-term employee benefits and €(3,293) million for post-employment benefit obligations), including:
The actuarial gains and losses on obligations generated over 2019 amount to€(4,356) million in France and are mainly associated with changes in the discountrate, the inflation rate, the proposed law on social security system funding for 2020and the updating of the wage law.
(in millions of euros) | 2020 | 2019 |
Experience adjustments | Experience adjustments 2020(355) | Experience adjustments 2019 (95) |
Changes in demographic assumptions | Changes in demographic assumptions 2020- | Changes in demographic assumptions 2019 (1) |
Changes in financial assumptions* | Changes in financial assumptions *2020(2,147) | Changes in financial assumptions *2019 (4,260) |
Including: | Including: 2020
| Including: 2019
Actuarial gains and losses on post-employment benefits | Actuarial gains and losses on post-employment benefits 2020(2,356) | Actuarial gains and losses on post-employment benefits 2019 (4,151) |
Actuarial gains and losses on other long-term benefits | Actuarial gains and losses on other long-term benefits 2020(146) | Actuarial gains and losses on other long-term benefits 2019 (205) |
* Financial assumptions mainly concern the discount rate, inflation rate and wage increase rate.
Given the strong similarities between their pension schemes, the two operating segments “France – Generation and Supply” and “France – Regulated activities”(see note 4.1) are combined here into a single subtotal, “France”, which primarily includes EDF and Enedis. Almost all of these companies’ employees have IEG status, including the special IEG pension and other IEG benefits.
(in millions of euros) | 31/12/2020 | 31/12/2019 |
Current employees | Current employees 31/12/2020 20,477 | Current employees 31/12/2019 18,994 |
Retirees | Retirees 31/12/2020 15 012 | Retirees 31/12/2019 14,316 |
OBLIGATIONS | OBLIGATIONS 31/12/2020 35,489 | OBLIGATIONS 31/12/2019 33,310 |
(in millions of euros) | Obligations | Fund assets | Provisions in the |
Provisions for post-employment benefits at 31/12/2020 | Provisions for post-employment benefits at 31/12/2020 Obligations 33 893 | Provisions for post-employment benefits at 31/12/2020 Fund assets (13 470) | Provisions for post-employment benefits at 31/12/2020 Provisions in the 20 423 |
Including: | Including: Obligations
| Including: Fund assets
| Including: Provisions in the
Pensions | Pensions Obligations 25,951 | Pensions Fund assets (12,671) | Pensions Provisions in the 13,280 |
Benefits in kind (electricity/gas) | Benefits in kind (electricity/gas) Obligations 5,294 | Benefits in kind (electricity/gas) Fund assets - | Benefits in kind (electricity/gas) Provisions in the 5,294 |
Retirement gratuities | Retirement gratuities Obligations 941 | Retirement gratuities Fund assets (784) | Retirement gratuities Provisions in the 157 |
Other | Other Obligations 1,707 | Other Fund assets (15) | Other Provisions in the 1,692 |
Provisions for other long-term employee benefits at 31/12/2020 | Provisions for other long-term employee benefits at 31/12/2020 Obligations 1,596 | Provisions for other long-term employee benefits at 31/12/2020 Fund assets - | Provisions for other long-term employee benefits at 31/12/2020 Provisions in the 1,596 |
Including: | Including: Obligations
| Including: Fund assets
| Including: Provisions in the
Annuities following work-related accident and illness, and invalidity | Annuities following work-related accident and illness, and invalidity Obligations 1,339 | Annuities following work-related accident and illness, and invalidity Fund assets - | Annuities following work-related accident and illness, and invalidity Provisions in the 1,339 |
Long service awards | Long service awards Obligations 225 | Long service awards Fund assets - | Long service awards Provisions in the 225 |
Other | Other Obligations 32 | Other Fund assets - | Other Provisions in the 32 |
PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AT 31/12/2020 | PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AT 31/12/2020 Obligations 35,489 | PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AT 31/12/2020 Fund assets (13,470) | PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEE BENEFITS AT 31/12/2020 Provisions in the 22,019 |