Universal Registration Document 2020

6. Financial statements

Note 4 Segment reporting

4.1Reporting by operating segment


Accounting principles and methods

Segment reporting presentation complies with IFRS 8 “Operating segments”.

Segment reporting is presented before inter-segment eliminations. Inter-segment transactions take place at market prices.

In accordance with IFRS 8, the breakdown used by the EDF group corresponds to the operating segments as regularly reviewed by the Management Committee (the Group’s chief operating decision-maker).

The Group’s segments are:

  • “France – Generation and Supply”: EDF SA’s energy production and sales activities. This segment also includes entities operating on the downstream sectors (B2B and B2C, aggregation) and all EDF Invest’s shareholdings;
  • “France – Regulated activities”: Enedis and Électricité de Strasbourg’s distribution activities, and EDF’s island activities;
  • “Framatome”: the entities of the Framatome subgroup;
  • “United Kingdom”: the entities of the EDF Energy subgroup;
  • “Italy”: Edison entities and TdE SpA;
  • “Other international”: EDF International and the entities located in continentalEurope, the US, Latin America and Asia;
  • “EDF Renewables”: the entities of the EDF Renewables subgroup;
  • “Dalkia”: the entities of the Dalkia subgroup;
  • “Other activities”: comprising in particular EDF Trading and EDF Investissements Groupe.

No segments have been merged.