Universal Registration Document 2020

Message from Jean-Bernard Lévy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF

Message from Jean-Bernard Lévy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF



Jean-Bernard Lévy 
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF

This raison d’être is in line with the values of progress and sharing that have inspired EDF’s actions since its creation, as well as with today’s major issue of addressing climate change and preserving the planet.






To build a net zero energy future with electricity and innovative solutions and services, to help save the planet and drive wellbeing and economic development.

EDF's raison d'être, defined with the contribution of more than 4,000 employees as part of the “Let's TalkEnergy” dialogue, was adopted by 99.99% of shareholders at the May 2020 General Meeting. Now enshrined in the Company's bylaws, it is at the heart of its business model, its CAP 2030 strategy and is reflected in its
Corporate Social Responsibility commitments.

In response to the climate emergency, EDF is committed to a fair, innovative and sustainable energy future, with the ambition of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050. The Group wants to deploy increasingly low-carbon electricity thanks to nuclear power and the accelerated development of renewable energies. In 2020, the Group set itself new targets for reducing direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. In December, it obtained certification from the Science Based Targets initiative(1) for its CO2 emissions reduction trajectory, well below the 2° C target of the Paris Agreement.

The development of electricity use, which is most likely to increase, is a major lever for supporting customers towards carbon neutrality. The Group actively contributes to this objective through a wide choice of offers adapted to the different markets.
It offers a range of accessible and innovative energy efficiency services and solutions that enable everyone - individuals, businesses and local authorities - to play a role in the energy transition.

By forging partnerships in France and around the world, and by relying on R&D, EDF invests in innovation. Asa driver of the energy transition, it enables EDF to build and propose solutions to achieve the objective of decarbonising uses at the lowest cost.

EDF is seeking to help preserve the planet’s resources by aiming to limit its environmental foot print throughout the lifecycle of its facilities and activities, optimising the use of natural resources and developing the circular economy.
The challenges of carbon neutrality go hand in hand with an approach that nurtures biodiversity, which were reflected by EDF's commitment in 2020 to two
"Act4nature"(2) initiatives backed by the French State.

Of all energies, and because it is a basic necessity, electricity must be accessible to all and in all regions. It is also the energy of progress in an increasingly digital world. Wherever it operates, EDF wants to invent a new energy model that emits less CO2, is more efficient and more respectful of the environment and people. Its ambition in all these areas is based on the strong commitment of its employees throughout the world.

This raison d’être brings people together, asserts EDF's values and identity, gives meaning to action and becomes the company's reason to do.

Jean-Bernard Lévy
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of EDF

(1) Science Based Targets is a joint initiative by CDP, UN Global Compact, World Resources Institute, and World Wild Fund, begun in the wake of COP21 in 2015. More than1,000 companies are already committed, over 500 of which now already have validated emission reduction targets.

(2) The aim of "Entreprises engagées pour la nature-act4nature France" (‘Committed companies for 
nature – act4nature France’) is to identify, recognise, and promote action plans in favour of biodiversity by French businesses. "Act4nature International" is an initiative launched by the French Association "Entreprises pour l’Environnement"(‘Enterprises for the Environment’ , EpE), the aim of which is to mobilise businesses internationally with respect to their direct and indirect impacts, dependencies, and potential to engage in actions that are beneficial for nature.