Universal Registration Document 2020

5. The Group’s financial performance and outlook

  • withdrawals of assets corresponding to the costs incurred over the period to meet long-term nuclear obligations falling within the scope of the Law of 28 June 2006;
  • exceptional withdrawals proposed to the governance bodies in charge of managing dedicated assets when the value of the portfolio exceeds the amount of the obligations to be financed; such withdrawals must be validated by these bodies.

The net change of -€798 million in dedicated assets in 2020 corresponds to the first three of these categories. Dividends paid in cash

In 2020, EDF paid out €768 million, comprising:

  • payments made in 2020 to bearers of perpetual subordinated bonds for the “hybrid” bond issues of January 2013 and January 2014 (€501 million);
  • dividends paid by Group subsidiaries to their minority shareholders (€267 million).

EDF paid no dividend in 2020 (neither the balance of the 2019 dividend, nor an interim dividend for 2020) (see the press release of 7 May 2020). Group cash flow

The Group cash flow amounted to -€2,709 million for 2020, versus -€825 million for 2019. Effect of change in exchange rates

The foreign exchange effect (mainly the decline of the pound sterling and the US dollar against the euro (1)) had a favourable impact of €445 million on the Group’s net indebtedness at 31 December 2020. Other non-monetary changes

Other non-monetary changes had an effect of -€1,077 million in 2020, compared to -€5,039 million in 2019, and mainly comprise changes in the fair value of debt instruments and new leases (IFRS 16). The €3,962 million change from 2019 is principally explained by the first application of IFRS 16 in 2019. Ratios financiers



Net indebtedness/EBITDA

Net indebtedness/EBITDA



Net indebtedness/EBITDA




Net indebtedness/EBITDA



Endettement financier net/(endettement financier net + capitaux propres)(2) 

Endettement financier net/(endettement financier net + capitaux propres)(2) 



Endettement financier net/(endettement financier net + capitaux propres)(2) 




Endettement financier net/(endettement financier net + capitaux propres)(2) 



(1) The published figures for 2019 (except NFD) have been restated for the impact of the change in the scope of the E&P disposal (see note 1.4.2 to the 2020 consolidated financial statements).

(2) Equity including non-controlling interests.

5.1.6 Management and control of market risks Management and control of financial risks

This section sets forth the policies and principles for management of the Group’s financial risks defined in the Strategic financial management framework (liquidity, interest rate, foreign exchange rate and equity risks), and the Group counterparty risk management policy set up by the EDF group. These principles apply only to EDF and operationally controlled subsidiaries or subsidiaries that do not benefit by law from specific guarantees of independent management such as Enedis. In compliance with IFRS 7, the following paragraphs describe the nature of risks resulting from financial instruments, based on analyses of sensitivities and credit (counterparty) risks.

Since 2002, a dedicated body – the Financial Risks Control Department (Département Contrôle des Risques Financiers et Investissements – CRFI) – has been in charge of financial risk control at Group level, mainly by ensuring correct application of the principles of the Strategic Financial Management Framework (July 2015). This department, which has reported to the Group’s Risk Division since 2008, is an independent unit that also has the task of carrying out a second-level check of the risk of counterparty default (methodology and organisation) for EDF entities and operationally controlled Group subsidiaries (excluding Enedis), and a first-level check of financing activities by EDF SA’s Trading room. The CRFI Department also carries out a second-level check of management activities concerning the dedicated asset portfolio.

The CRFI Department issues daily and weekly monitoring reports of risk indicators relevant to activities in EDF SA’s trading room.

Regular internal audits are carried out to ensure controls are actually applied and are effective. Liquidity position and management of liquidity risk Liquidity position

At 31 December 2020, the Group’s liquidities, consisting of liquid assets, cash and cash equivalents, totalled €21,316 million and available credit lines amounted to €11,110 million.

The Group’s debt repayments (principal and interest) for 2021 are forecast at 31 December 2020 at €11,460 million, including €4,294 million for bonds (excluding hybrid bonds).

No Group company was in default on any borrowing at 31 December 2020. Management of liquidity risk

On 8 September 2020, EDF made an offering of green bonds convertible into new shares and/or exchangeable for existing shares (OCEANEs Vertes). These bonds mature in 2024 and the nominal amount of the issue was around €2.4 billion.

Details of the Group’s bond borrowings are given in note 18.3.2 to the 2020 consolidated financial statements “Loans and other financial liabilities”.

The average maturity of the Group’s gross debt was 14.5 years at 31 December 2020, compared to 15.4 years at 31 December 2019. For EDF SA, the average maturity was 15.0 years at 31 December 2020, against 15.9 years at 31 December 2019.

(1) The pound sterling fell by 5.4% against the Euro, from €1.175/£1 at 31 December 2019 to €1.112 /£1 at 31 December 2020; The US dollar fell by 8.5% against the Euro, from €0.89/$1 at 31 December 2019 to €0.815/$1 at 31 December 2020.