Evaluations by specialised rating agencies and managers of ethical funds indicate the Group’s CSR performance, in its benchmark sector. Assessments and rewards underscore external recognition of the Group’s sustainable development performance.
+ 4pts
+ 5pts and moving from 6th to 3rd place
+ 5pts and obtaining the platinum medal
Climate Change ESG screened,
ESG Universal, World Climate Change,
Climate CNG EU Paris Aligned
World 120, Eurozoe 120, Europe 120,
France 120
CDP CLIMATE CHANGE: has an A extra-financial rating and is maintaining it from 2019.
CDP WATER SECURITY: has an A extra-financial rating, which is superior to that of the other companies.
CDP WATER SECURITY: has an A as an extra-financial rating which is above the sector average which is a B and is up from2019.
SUSTAINALYTTICS: had 86 as an extra-financial rating which is above the sector average which is 61 and holding from 2019.
MSCI: has an A as an extra-financial rating which is above the sector average which is a B and holding from 2019.
SAM: had 84 as an extra-financial rating which is higher than the sector average which is 43 and this figure is up from 2019.
VIGEOEIRIS: had 71 as an extra-financial rating which is higher than the sector average which is 57 and this figure is up from 2019.
ECOVADIS: had 78 as an extra-financial rating which is higher than the sector average which is 49 and this figure is up from 2019.