Through the channel of HR managers, each division or subsidiary reports once a year on the number of employees benefiting from a collective agreement. The indicator is the ratio between these employees and the actual workforce at 31 December. The scope covers the Group.
The indicator takes account of the number of cases of support provided to any customers experiencing difficulties. This support is intended to assess the situation and propose the most appropriate solutions. The scope covers EDF.
The indicator is the percentage of projects worth more than € 50 million, with a significant impact on regions or the environment, examined at Executive Committee Commitment Committee meetings during the fiscal year, and on which there was consultation in accordance with the Equator Principles. The scope covers the Group.
The indicator is the ratio, expressed as a percentage, of the annual volume of procurement by EDF SA and Enedis from SMEs located in France, to the annual volume of total procurement in France by EDF SA and Enedis. SMEs are identified based on INSEE (French National Institute of Statistics & Economic Studies) categories, stipulating that an SME (Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise) has fewer than 250 staff and annual turnover not exceeding € 50 million. Suppliers are ranked in the SME category by a service provider that EDF tasks with analysing the supplier list, checking that these SMEs are not controlled above 25% by a Big Business or by an MMC. The scope covers France, where the SMEs’ locations are certified based on their French business number (SIREN).
This indicator counts the number of customer visits on digital consumption monitoring platforms. The scope covers EDF (excluding overseas departments and Corsica) given that the deployment of digital platforms in those areas has not been finalised.
The environmental and societal data in the Statement of non-financial performance are based on methodological sheets. This is the Group’s standard for non-financial reporting in force in 2020. All of the indicators relating to consumption and emissions are the electricity and heat generation and marketing data, and to & other processes related to these activities. If data are missing, particularly during the last days of the year, estimates are made on the basis of the best information available at that date. Dalkia’s environmental indicators in relation to energy are consolidated over a sliding year, from 1 December N-1 to 30 November N. Other indicators are reported over year N.
Every year, EDF draws up a GHG report (scopes 1, 2 and 3) covering the Group scope calculated according to the principles of the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard.
Due to the complexity of gathering information in January, certain categories of GHG Protocol items are estimated based on the GHG report for the year N-1 (2019) and updated in the current year for the following fiscal year. The total emissions of these estimated items represent 1% of the emissions of the 2020 GHG report.
Regarding Dalkia, the quantity of electricity is measured, and the quantity of heat generated using renewable energies is estimated through benchmark yields based on renewable fuel consumption.
Indicators on cooling water include water withdrawn and water returned to rivers, the sea and water tables. For nuclear power electricity plants located on coastlines and for thermal power plants, the amounts of cooling water withdrawn and water returned are calculated on the basis of the operating time and nominal debit of pumps.
This indicator does not include data for the MECO company, as water consumption is negligible (open cooling circuit). Furthermore, these indicators are not collected for EDF RE, a subsidiary of EDF Renewables in the United States, as their value is negligible at Group level and for the Edison operating centers managed by Fenice.
Air emissions from thermal power plants of the EDF group are measured or calculated on the basis of analyses of the fuels or based on standard emissions factors.
The Group’s SF6 emissions are calculated, as a matter of priority, on the basis of a mass balance or, to a lesser extent, using an estimation method approved by Executive Management at the entity in question (for example, application of a leakage rate).
Emissions from certain power plants are not material for the Group and as such are not reported. This is the case for dust emissions from CCGT power plants (excluding EDF), N2 O and SF6 emissions from MECO’s CCGT power plant, and emissions from Dalkia Barkantine’s power plant in the United Kingdom.
The conventional waste data were obtained on the basis of data available on the closing date for the quantities removed and the disposal channels. The reported data are not comprehensive concerning conventional industrial waste from EDF Renewables, as these data cannot, at this stage, be reported within the Group’s reporting deadlines. Dalkia reports on the most significant facilities for year N-1 for France and for international subsidiaries from January N to December N, using an estimate for this final month.
(1) On the results of the Group’s greenhouse gas report in 2020, see section