Universal Registration Document 2020

3. Non-financial performance

The objectives are labelled in the external “Act4nature international” scheme, supported by the Business for Nature initiative. This indicator is calculated in the form of an achievement rate for the actions undertaken from 2020 to 2022 (these actions relate to taking biodiversity issues into account in the biomass policy, CO2 emissions, R&D, internal governance, Green Bonds, awareness-raising and training, etc.). The scope covers the Group.

Issue relating to Water
Water intensity: water consumed/electricity generated by fleet (l/kWh)

The indicator is the ratio of water consumed to the Group’s total electrical generation. Water consumption for heat generation and other Group activities is taken into account to calculate the indicator. Their negligible quantity (< 0.1%) is not sufficient to change the indicator value. The scope covers the Group. The 2020 value for this indicator is subject to reasonable assurance check by KPMG SA.

Issue relating to radioactive waste and circular economy
Solid radioactive waste from operations

The indicator concerns solid waste from the active nuclear generating fleet. In France, the indicator covers long-lived high- and intermediate-level waste. In the UK, the indicator covers low-level waste (only category of radioactive waste transported off generation sites). The scope covers the Group where radioactive waste-related activities concern: EDF and EDF in the UK.

Issue relating to Safety, health and security
Nuclear safety: Number of significant level 2 events on the INES scale

The indicator concerns the number of level-2 major events on the INES
(International Nuclear Event Scale). The scope covers the Group.

Overall LTIR (employees and providers)

The Group’s overall frequency rate represents the number of work-related accidents (employees and service providers, regardless of the level of subcontracting, including co-contracting and temporary employees) having resulted in one day or more of absence over a 12-month period per million hours worked. The hours worked used for calculating the frequency rate are actual hours corresponding to the hours of “exposure to risks” according to CNAM (French national insurance body). The scope covers the Group.

As regards temporary employees and service providers, the accidents are declared by the temporary employment agency and by the service provider’s employer in accordance with applicable local labour regulations. These include accidents that occurred in the course of work performed on behalf of EDF group on its facilities, equipment, sites, networks, etc. Activities conducted by service providers on their own sites, outside EDF group’s facilities, are not taken into account.

For a “contracting” company, subcontracting involves entrusting a company, known as the “service provider”, with carrying out one or more projects involving studies, design, development, manufacturing, implementation or maintenance. These include any interventions carried out by subcontractors under a contract on EDF group’s facilities, equipment (sites, networks, etc.) within the scope of subcontracting as set out in section “Responsible subcontracting”. These include the number of workplace accidents declared in accordance with applicable local labour regulations, the circumstances of which demonstrate that they are work-related. Dizzy spells and accidents during team-building activities, and accidents in daily life occurring in the workplace are not taken into account.

Number of fatal accidents connected to business-specific risks (employees and providers)

The indicator takes account of the number of fatal accidents linked to business risks occurring in the year. The scope covers the Group.

Fatal accidents involving employees linked to business risks correspond to fatal accidents of employees at work, employees of the Company, including work-study students and apprentices. Fatal malaises are excluded from this scope. Employee transit accidents while on work-related business are taken into account, excluding those occurring in transit between home and work.

Fatal accidents involving service providers linked to business risks include fatal accidents involving service providers that occurred during the course of work performed on behalf of the Company regardless of the level of subcontracting. Malaises are excluded from this scope. Employee transit accidents while on
work-related business are taken into account, excluding those occurring in transit between home and work.

Issue relating to Ethics, compliance and human rights
Proportion of executives who have completed the anti-corruption training programme

The indicator is the ratio of the executives who have completed the anti-corruption training programme to the Group’s total number of executives. Executives, for EDF, are staff included in categories D1, D2, and D3 as well as members of the
Executive Committee and, for subsidiaries, members of general management.
An executive is considered to have completed the anti-corruption training programme when they completed at least one anti-corruption training and have received the certificate for this course (certifying that the full training programme has been completed). The calculation methodology was revised in 2020 to include only executives currently serving. The scope covers the Group, except for RTE and Enedis.

Issue relating to Equality, diversity and inclusion
Gender balance index: percentage of women in the Management Committees of the Group’s entities

Management Committees are decision-making bodies with part or all of the following features:

  • the Chairman of the Committee is an executive manager or senior manager;
  • the Chairman of the Committee has a delegation of authority over capital expenditure related to the Company’s objects;
  • the Chairman of the Committee has disciplinary authority over all or some of the entity’s employees;
  • the number of members of the Committee represents 1.5 - 2% of the entity’s total staff;
  • the Committee meets at least once a month.

Members of more than one Executive Committee within one subsidiary, or members of both a subsidiary’s Executive Committee and an EDF group Executive Committee are only counted once. This indicator is calculated by finding the ratio of the number of women on Executive Committees to the number of people on the
Executive Committees. The scope covers the Group.

Percentage of employees who have benefited from a skills development action

The indicator is calculated by finding the ratio of the number of employees having benefited from a skills development action to the actual workforce at the end of the period. Skills development actions include training courses, hours spent in school by people on professionalization contracts and professionalization actions. Professionalization actions are intended to transform theoretical skills and knowledge taught mainly in training into practical skills, anchored by their implementation in work situations. They have been formally integrated into the definition of the indicator for 2020. The trainings for which supporting documentation is not received on the date of closure of the report and professionalization actions which are not registered with a supporting document shall not taken into account. As of 2021, all professionalization initiatives will be recorded in the MyHR Group tool, which will make it easier to monitor them. The scope covers the Group.

Rate of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement

The social dialogue indicator is a new Group-wide indicator that measures the existence of collective bargaining agreements in the main controlled companies. Collective bargaining agreements guarantee the reality of negotiations with employee representatives with a view to defining the status of employees and may be national, regional, or specific to a sector, an organisation or a site, in line with ILO (1) principles. There are two types of collective bargaining agreements:

  • collective bargaining agreements for divisions are written agreements on working conditions with an employer, a group of employers or one or more professional organisations;

(1) International Labour Organization.