Universal Registration Document 2020

3. Non-financial performance

Details on the changes in the concordance table in section 8.5.4 

The concordance table in section 8.5.4 of the 2019 URD mentioned 13 non-financial issues/risks; this number has increased to 16 in the concordance table presented in section 8.4.4 of the 2020 URD (the 16 CSR issue topics in the materiality matrix). The table shows the correspondence between the issues presented in 2020 and the issues presented in 2019.



16 CSR issue topics (from the 2020 materiality matrix)

16 CSR issue topics (from the 2020 materiality matrix)


Risk issues/factors identified in 2019 with the section 8.5.4 concordance table

Issue relating to Carbon trajectory

Issue relating to Carbon trajectory


Issue relating to Climate


Issue relating to Energy mix

Issue relating to Carbon offsetting

Issue relating to Carbon offsetting


Issue relating to Climate

Issue relating to Adapting to climate change
Issue relating to Development of electricity use and energy services

Issue relating to Development of electricity use and energy services


Issue relating to Energy efficiency


Issue relating to Innovation, sustainable cities and diversification of solutions

Issue relating to Biodiversity

Issue relating to Biodiversity


Issue relating to Biodiversity and environmental heritage

Issue relating to Soils

Enjeu Eau
Issue relating to radioactive waste - circular economy

Issue relating to radioactive waste - circular economy


Issue relating to Radioactive waste and spent fuel management issues

Issue relating to Nuclear safety, health and security

Issue relating to Nuclear safety, health and security


Issue relating to Nuclear fleet safety


Issue relating to Health and safety

Issue relating to Ethics and human rights

Issue relating to Ethics and human rights


Issue relating to Ethics and Compliance

Issue relating to Equality, diversity and inclusion

Issue relating to Equality, diversity and inclusion


Issue relating to Equal opportunity

Issue relating to Energy poverty and social innovation

Issue relating to Energy poverty and social innovation


Issue relating to Energy insecurity for individual customers

Issue relating to Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders

Issue relating to Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders


Issue relating to Consultation with stakeholders

Issue relating to Local development

Issue relating to Local development


Issue relating to Responsible subcontracting

Issue relating to Development of industrial sectors

Issue relating to Development of industrial sectors


Issue relating to the Adaptation of skills

Issue relating to Digital technology

Issue relating to Digital technology


- Details on performance indicators
Issue relating to Carbon trajectory
EDF group direct(1) greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1)

EDF group scope 1 emissions (CO2 equivalent) are comprised of direct emissions of CO2, N2O, CH4, SF6 and other minor emissions, estimated based on the full GHG report for year N-1, i.e. 0.46Mt of CO2e (2% of scope 1) in 2020. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) coefficients were updated for 2020 based on the most recent reference from the latest IPCC report (see 5th IPCC report: www.ecoinvent.org/database ⓦ). They are 30 for CH4, 23,500 for SF6 and 265 for N2O. The scope covers the Group. The 2020 value for this indicator is subject to reasonable assurance check by KPMG SA ().

Carbon intensity: specific CO2 emissions due to heat and electrical generation

The indicator is the ratio of the direct CO2 emissions of electricity and heat generating plants to their related generation. The scope covers the Group. The 2020 value for this indicator is subject to reasonable assurance check by KPMG SA ().

Net consolidation of renewable energy capacity

The net consolidation gives an overview of the Group’s assets and liabilities. This method takes account of all subsidiaries in which the Company has a shareholding (i.e. shareholding in subsidiaries, associated companies, and joint ventures), and the data is consolidated to the tune of the percentage held by the entity. An exception is made for Dalkia, whose renewable electricity capacity is fully consolidated because of its low contribution to Group figures (< 1%). The scope covers the Group

Issue relating to development of electricity use and energy services
Number of smart meters installed

The indicator takes account of the total number of smart meters installed (set up) on 31 December of the fiscal year. This total includes all meters installed since the start of the smart meter deployment programme. The Group’s only entities with this activity are Enedis, SEI, EDF in the UK and the International Division. The scope covers the Group

Electric Vehicles rate in the fleet of light vehicles

The indicator is the ratio between the number of electric vehicles (according to the low carbon criteria of the EV 100 initiative)(2) and the total number of vehicles in the EDF group’s fleet of registered light vehicles at 31 December 2020 (owned or long-term leased). It should be noted that although this does not have a significant impact on the Group’s figures, the number of light vehicles in the fleet of certain companies is not updated on an annual basis. From 2026, light emergency service vehicles following a major climate event will, in accordance with the EV 100 initiative, be deducted from the total number of EDF group vehicles. The scope covers the Group.

Issue relating to Biodiversity
Achievement rate of Group commitments under the Act4nature International initiative

EDF has introduced this indicator in 2020, replacing the previous indicator relating to the ecological knowledge of land. This new indicator reflects the Group’s commitments in the Act4nature international system, which is a Group-wide initiative.

(1) Direct carbon emissions, excluding life cycle analysis of generation plants and fuel.

(2) 100% electric battery-powered vehicle, rechargeable hybrid vehicle with an electrical range of at least 50km, vehicle equipped with a range extender with an electrical rangeof 50km, hydrogen vehicle.