Universal Registration Document 2020

3. Non-financial performance Responsible communication

For over 20 years, EDF has developed educational and local communication, focusing on its public service values and based on authenticity and respect. In January 2021, the EDF group ranked first in the list of the most credible companies in terms of communication, in the utilities/energy category(1).

Responsible communications programme

In 2018, the Company took a new step forward by adopting a responsible communications programme that is in line with its commitments to sustainable development and corporate responsibility, and its digital challenges. In particular, this programme aims to reduce the environmental impact of the Group’s communication sand to ensure communications that are respectful of all persons, as illustrated by the accessibility of all communication media to everyone. It is embodied in a responsible communication code with 50 commitments(2), which applies to communication actions and the means used (press relations, events, digital, publishing, marketing, etc.), in France and internationally, of entities whose communication policies are controlled by the Group. These actions include: reducing paper consumption, strict use of certified sustainable paper, carbon offsetting of major events, and expanded use of virtual meetings in order to limit the number of journeys causing significant GHG emissions.

In all its communications, EDF is committed to not encouraging energy waste and aims at all times to reduce consumption based on the importance of energy savings.To achieve the collective commitment of its teams, the Group’s CommunicationsDepartment has initiated a responsible communications training programme for the entire sector. In 2020, four meetings were held, which trained 40 communicators, bringing the total to over 200 trained communicators, i.e. more than one-third of the sector.

FAIRe programme

In addition, EDF is a signatory of the FAIRe programme (2018), which is led by the Union des marques association. This charter, which was renewed in 2020, includes 15 commitments and annual reporting, enables companies to shift to responsible communication and Union des Marques to assess their performance each year. In 2020, EDF obtained a score of 2.6/3, higher than the general average of 2.3/3 (1.8 in 2018).

Communication for the general public

The Covid pandemic profoundly changed the Group’s external communication priorities in 2020. A significant portion was devoted to informing customers and the general public about the actions taken by EDF and its subsidiaries (notably Edison inItaly and EDF in the United Kingdom) to assist them in the face of the crisis:

  • communication on the creation and operation of the Emergency and SolidarityFund, which the EDF Foundation established for the most disadvantaged segments of the population and healthcare personnel;
  • procedures for deferring and extending the payment of bills by business customers and small companies;
  • advice throughout the summer provided to individuals on how to protect themselves from the heat and cool their homes during the pandemic (edf.fr );
  • the post-crisis emergency, in partnership with public actors, providing a discussion forum for elected representatives, experts and local stakeholders.

In France, when the lockdown was lifted, EDF opted to communicate extensively on two key issues of the Group’s raison d’être: climate change and biodiversity.

On climate change
  • Carbon neutrality: in September, the Group’s R&D department launched a vast external information campaign on its priority research topics focusing on carbon neutrality, in particular on carbon offsetting of residual CO2 emissions through nature-based solutions (e.g. carbon sequestration in natural ecosystems, sustainable storage). In the United Kingdom, EDF in the UK launched the “Helping Britain achieve Net Zero” TV and social network campaign, which explains how electricity can help decarbonise the British economy.
  • Electric mobility: EDF also stepped up its communication on electric mobility, an important catalyst for improving air quality and reducing greenhouse gases in the transport sector, by launching a consumer TV programme with the M6 channel to explain the advantages of electric vehicles. At the same time, the Group, through its IZIVIA subsidiary, continued its communication on the deployment of recharging stations (website, social networks, press relations). In October 2020, it signed the “Objective 100,000 terminals” charter launched by the government.
  • Energy efficiency: press briefings on RE2020, a digital campaign on the advantages of carbon-free electric heating, and a digital event on the data centres.
  • Renewable energies: Dalkia has focused its communications on an educational campaign on social networks (#green start), to promote a better understanding of the role of renewable and recovered energies (geothermal, wood energy, wave power, recovered energy, biogas) in energy systems. In addition, EDF Renewables’ educational campaign on social networks highlighted the advantages of photovoltaic panels: tonnes of CO2 avoided, production capacities, recycling conditions.
On biodiversity
  • Nature Festival: EDF has been a partner of “Fête de la Nature” (i.e. “NatureFestival”), a government-funded project, since 2008, particularly via the French Biodiversity Agency (AFB), the French Ministry for the Ecological & Inclusive Transition, and IUCN 1. In 2020, for the 14th edition branded “Let’s take it from the seed”, EDF’s business lines organised 35 events and received nearly 1900 visitors. In the context of the health crisis, this operation was supported by communication on social networks (over 40,000 printouts and 5,000 media views broadcast). This operation was an opportunity for the Sustainable DevelopmentDepartment to prepare a communication kit on the Group’s biodiversity challenges, which was relayed by the entire communication chain. Through the“Companies Committed for Nature – act4nature France” initiative, EDF is committed to continuing its historic partnership with the “Fête de la Nature” until at least 2022;
  • Public information centres: throughout the year, the public information centres of the industrial sites offered events focusing on biodiversity, such as raising awareness of migratory fish (Tuilières hydroelectric site); presenting the foreshore ecosystem (La Rance tidal power plant, in partnership with Natura 2000 and IFREMER); biodiversity events during the summer for children (Saint-Alban nuclear power plant);
  • Publication: EDF published a booklet on “Biodiversity: to be or no longer to be”which, based on articles by external experts (naturalists, scientists, economists, sociologists, financiers, philosophers) explains what biodiversity is, reports on its current status and discusses the priority actions to be taken to preserve it. The document is available to all on edf.fr and will be sent to the Group’s stakeholders, including the Company’s individual shareholders.
Aimed at young people

For young people, EDF offers primary, secondary and high schools free conferences on electricity and sustainable development. These “Energy & climate” talks have been completely redesigned and are now conducted as interactive workshops in which students are given the task of combating climate change. Over 29,000 students attended these talks in 2020, and 99% of teachers stated they would recommend them to their colleagues. The “Energy from A to Z” pages on edf.fr aimed at young audiences and teachers (including the “plug in safe”primary education kit, tests on energy saving, understanding electrical systems, etc.)received some 800,000 unique visitors in 2020.

At the end of the year, during the “Celebration of Science” operation, a partnership was set up with the “Les Frères Poulain” science influencers and popularisers, who have a discovery channel on YouTube, to familiarise young audiences with low-carbon electricity and its role in the energy transition. The programmes have been viewed over 480,000 times.