Universal Registration Document 2020

3.5 CSR governance

3. Non-financial performance

3.5 CSR governance

3.5 CSR governance

The CSR governance structure is based on venues for information and forums for dialogue that strive to constantly improve the identification and assessment of the risks and opportunities specific to each issue and each commitment. This constant identification endeavour is buttressed by a complete organisational system that supervises the implementation of the Group’s commitments.

3.5.1Listening and understanding the issues

The practice of conducting customer satisfaction surveys has been extended to all departments and relevant subsidiaries. This practice serves as a tool for designing and managing offers, and inspires action plans with the goal of continuously improving customer service. EDF also has access to the most advanced discussions and research on sustainable development through think tanks, partnerships(1) and various research institutes. More broadly, EDF systematically implements tools that promote listening, dialogue and understanding of its environment using a wide range of instruments, from opinion barometers to forums for listening to stakeholders and employees implemented in the form of ongoing surveys or organised in connection with institutionalised dialogues. Listening practices
Trend surveys

EDF launched this year the second edition of ObsCop, the Observatoire climat et opinions publiques (i.e. French climate and public opinion monitoring survey), which is a poll organised by IPSOS in 30 countries based on a representative sample of 24,000 people. Its aim is to produce an international overview of opinions, knowledge, expectations and levels of public engagement regarding climate change in order to provide food for thought and contribute to the constructive identification of solutions for the future. The results of this study were presented on 1 December 2020 at the “Electric Days(2) ”, which the Group organised, and which featured Valérie Masson-Delmotte, a paleoclimatologist and co-chair of IPCC Working Group1, as keynote speaker. The full results are available as open data to allow anyone, particularly researchers, to use them(3).

In 2020, EDF initiated an energies survey, which was conducted on a representative sample of 2,000 persons and was carried out through face-to-face interviews. Its results were presented to the Group’s Executive Committee and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of societal issues. Other surveys are also repeated year on year, including the poll of local residents living near nuclear generation, classic thermal, and hydropower facilities(4) which, since 2009, has aimed to measure the perception of local residents of facilities and energy,

The Internal Environmental Survey (BIPE) is carried out with a sample of EDF and Enedis employees(5) on those same subjects(6).

"Let’s Talk Energy"

In 2018, the 101,000 employees of EDF and its subsidiaries in France (excluding Enedis) were invited for dialogue on the Company’s strategic vision (“Let’s Talk Energy”). The resulting 20 challenges are currently being implemented, including the appointment of employee ambassadors to encourage adoption of the solutions(7). In 2019, Let’s Talk Energy gave employees the chance to share their thoughts on the implementation of the multi-year energy programming law and to consider the Company’s raison d’être. Some 1,400 proposals were made concerning the corporate raison d’être, which revealed the main themes that served to formalise the raison d’être (the planet, well-being, development, innovation, performance, etc.). With the help of artificial intelligence tools, employees were able to analyse the proposals in greater depth and submit their “favourites” before the Executive Committee, at the conclusion of two dedicated meetings, approved the summary formulation chosen for the Group’s raison d’être. This formulation was presented to the Board of Directors on 27 February 2020 and was adopted by the Shareholders’ General Meeting on 7 May 2020.

Y Project

The “Y project” involves 30 employees aged under 35 each year. Their goal is to accelerate EDF’s transformation, using digital technology as leverage, to challenge traditional practices. Employees enjoy extensive freedom to implement practical initiatives. In 2019, employees were able to help define the Group’s raison d’être. The climate, protecting the environment, and the general interest were all widely-mentioned topics.

My EDF group

Since the first “My EDF group” internal engagement survey conducted in November 2012 involving all Group employees, a plan to report results to employees are systematically implemented. The companies are drawing up action plans to increase or introduce improvement measures based on the results observed within their scope. It is available in all the Group’s languages, including English. The results that can be exploited at the level of each company can be explained using various social and demographic criteria (gender, seniority, professional category, etc.).

The 9th edition of the survey was taken from 3 November to 1 December 2020. A major internal communication campaign was organised to encourage employees to express their opinion (videos, posters and communication kit). The questionnaire was simplified 3 years ago (streamlined from about a hundred questions down to around 40 questions). In addition, questions concerning the Covid were added this year.

Overall, the survey shows that results are improving, in particular due to the work undertaken in areas highlighted by My EDF surveys in previous years. This is the case, in particular, for accountability, which increased from 74% to 79%, and positive opinions of IT tools and equipment, which rose from 41% to 50%. Relational indicators also improved: 86% of employees (+5%) stated they are proud to work in their entity. Employee engagement increased to 69%, compared to 64% last year. Confidence in local management continues to grow, with 70% of respondents expressing positive opinions (+10 points) about its ability to clearly explain current projects and issues.

Employee participation (78% and nearly 115,000 respondents), a marked increase from the first year (63%), demonstrates the interest of Group employees in this survey over time and guarantees reliable results, as shown by the concrete and noticeable actions taken on the basis of the results.

(1) See section “Partnerships”.

(2) Initiated in 2017, each edition of the “Electric Days” event presents the latest innovations for moving towards an energy model with lower CO2 emissions and that is more efficient and environmentally friendly.

(3) The results were covered by the media and are also available at www.edf.fr/observatoire.

(4) Nineteen nuclear generation sites, 6 fossil thermal sites, 14 hydropower sites and 2 nuclear sites under decommissioning (Creys-Malville and Brennilis) were the subject of thissurvey in 2018.

(5) Enedis is an independently managed subsidiary.

(6) There are many other initiatives to listen to customers. Examples include consumer associations that are regularly listened to by the Commerce Department, Citelum or SEI;"Ma Rivière et Moi", a digital platform for exchanging information and multiservice data developed by EDF Hydro.

(7) This initiative received the participation and consultation trophy on 19 November 2018, organised by the Gazette des Communes and the Décider Ensemble association under the auspices of the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition, the National Public Debate Commission and the Commissioner-General for Sustainable Development.