Universal Registration Document 2020

3. Non-financial performance

Number of energy support

2018 : 1,302,590

2019 : 894,260

2020 : 905,017

 Key non-financial performance indicator

Close to 250 “dedicated solidarity experts” work directly with social workers to best support the most vulnerable customers. EDF has developed human and digital support to help customers manage their consumption and access their rights. EDF helps customers track and understand their energy use data and take action, based on the data, to control their budget and save energy using the “Mes Ecos et Moi” digital solutions available in the customer area and the “EDF & Moi” application.

In addition to the statutory schemes, EDF has had an active partnership with theFonds d e Solidarité Logement (Housing Solidarity Fund or FSL) for 30 years. EDF is currently the top contributor, after local authorities, and contributed more than €20.3 million in 2020.

Numerous initiatives to combat energy poverty are implemented in partnership with major charities (Secours Catholique, Abbé Pierre Foundation, Secours Populaire Français). To strengthen its support in the field, EDF also works with many social conciliation structures throughout France, including around forty PIMMS (multi service conciliation and information points). Open to all sections of the public and run by professionals in the social field, they help households in financial difficulty access public services and social rights.

EDF partners the “Unis-Cité” association, which provides education on the use of energy vouchers through young people under civic service contracts. It also partners the “Points Passerelle” (Bridging Points) run by the Caisses Régionales du CréditAgricole, which have joined forces with EDF to help the poorest households control their energy use and find solutions to pay off their energy debts. EDF is continuing its partnership with UNCCAS (i.e. French National Union of Municipal Centres for SocialAction). EDF and EDF SEI are deploying the PASS (Portal for Access to SolidarityService), which makes exchanges with social workers more fluid. EDF SEI (Island Energy Systems) and ÉS (Électricité de Strasbourg) distribute Demand Side Management (DSM) kits.

The distribution network operator Enedis develops initiatives within the framework of PIMMS (and chairs their National Union). They participate in the information and support of vulnerable populations in the areas of eco-friendly practices and access to rights and services. Enedis action also complements measures taken by electricity suppliers regarding their unpaid bill procedures, and the Company systematically contacts customers before cutting off their electricity supply or restricting wattage. ÉS offers a personalised support initiative and each customer experiencing difficulty benefits, in particular, from continuation of their power supply at the subscribed-to level and the time to take the necessary steps with the social services.

In Corsica and the French overseas departments & territories, EDF SEI is continuing its actions to finance energy demand management for customers and social-housing lessors (LEDs, solar water heaters with the region on Réunion Island, heat insulation programmes, etc.). EDF SEI is developing other types of specific initiatives, such as the electrification of remote areas (inland municipalities) in French Guiana or the"Watty à l’école" (Watty at school) programme, which helps raise awareness about electricity savings:

  • in Belgium, Luminus proposes the "My Luminus" tool, which helps customers to consume less. To help customers potentially experiencing difficulties, Luminus alerts customers when their consumption is higher than usual, and, when appropriate, proposes payment schedules. It participates in the energy poverty platform launched by the Roi Baudoin Foundation. The platform has played an active role with the legislator, and is now focusing on issues of payment default;
  • EDF in the UK is continuing its partnerships, notably with Plymouth Citizens Advice and also Income Max, to support vulnerable customers and help them optimise their income by obtaining the relevant grants. EDF in the UK launched a customer support fund and, with the help of Plymouth CA and Income Max, examined the most complex customer situations, during the crisis, to offer them customised solutions.
Exceptional measures implemented to address the health crisis

EDF took swift, strong action to help its customers affected by the health crisis:

  • EDF wished to show solidarity with all its residential customers and not only those in a vulnerable position (see Chapter 3, introduction, “EDF, a responsible business during the sanitary crisis”). When the government decided to extend the winter truce until 10 July, EDF had already suspended all reductions and disconnections for supplies of electricity and gas and all late payment penalties until 1 September for all residential customers. By implementing those broader measures, EDF went beyond the measures adopted by the government;
  • during the health crisis in the first half of 2020, EDF’s 250 solidarity experts intensified and extended their usual calls and contacted social workers to propose individual solutions: customised payment plans or specific solutions to provide the best possible support for customers in a situation of energy poverty. More than 260,000 customers were contacted during the summer of 2020;
  • during the second lockdown, EDF implemented the same unprecedented measures taken during the first lockdown. To help residential customers in these exceptional circumstances:
  • EDF guaranteed electricity supplies by suspending, until 15 January 2021, any reduction or disconnection of electricity supplies and any late payment penalties for invoices issued during that period,
  • EDF agreed to postpone payments for its customers in financial difficulty;
  • ÉS, EDF SEI and Luminus also adapted their schemes. EDF SEI suspended power reductions and disconnections for non-payment from March through to the end ofAugust. Edison launched its “Edison 4 Italy” programme during the spring lockdown, focusing on vulnerable customers, to extend billing deadlines and propose payment schedules;
  • EDF in the UK refocused the work of its specialist priority services team to support the most vulnerable customers, particularly those whose prepayment meters had not been topped up very much or at all, to ensure that their power supplies were maintained or restored as a matter of urgency. Outbound calling campaigns were run for vulnerable customers. Charitable initiatives were also implemented, for example with employees and pharmacies, to deliver medicines to the most isolated individuals;
  • in Italy, Edison is a partner of the “Manifesto”, a manifesto for the energy of the future, alongside consumers (created to support the liberalisation of the energy market, with energy companies and consumer associations). In the difficult conditions caused by the health crisis, the companies and consumer associations supporting the initiative developed an easy-to-use tool summarising the measures implemented by the Italian Regulatory Authority for Energy, Networks andEnvironment (ARERA) to help consumers. This comprehensive guide provides guidance and assistance to families and is available on the websites of the companies and consumer associations behind the energy manifesto. It also explains the many additional measures implemented by companies in the energy sector to address the emergency.